Porf Agnes Hubert is an EU Public policy maker and analyst. She is an associate researcher at PRESAGE (Programme de Recherches et d’Enseignements des Savoirs sur le Genre) Science Po Paris and professor for gender and social inequalities at the College of Europe in Bruges, Agnes Hubert has a long experience in the advocacy of gender equality and public policies to promote women’s rights . As head of unit for Equal opportunities for women in the European Commission, in the golden years of European integration, she initiated EU support for gender parity in decision-making with an influent network of experts and supported the early development of a women and science policy in the EU. Later, as an adviser to successive Presidents of the European Commission, she worked on new forms of governance and was instrumental in developing support for social innovation in relevant EU policies
An economist by training, she also graduated in Political Science and started her career as a journalist before joining the European Commission. She is the author of books (“L'Europe et les femmes, identités en mouvement”, ed. Apogée; and “Democracy and Information Society in Europe”, in Forward Studies series – Kogan page) as well as of influential reports on social innovation (Empowering people, driving change, social innovation in the European Union and Social innovation, a decade of change), youth, migration, advantages of Europe and academic articles and chapters mainly on the EU gender equality policy (the European Institute for Gender Equality, gendering the EU employment policy, Gender mainstreaming, gender and economic governance).
She is a regular public speaker on gender equality in the EU, on social innovation and on well-being.