GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.


Picture Name Country Country coverage Scientific discipline
Fernanda Campanini Vilhena Spain Law, Political Science
Justyna Tarasiewicz Poland Medical and health sciences
Matus Misik Slovakia Slovakia Political Science
Zorana Antonijevic Serbia Serbia, Western Balkans Social sciences, Other social sciences, Humanities, Languages and literature
Yuliya Hoika Poland Poland Natural sciences, Physical sciences, Social sciences, Psychology, Educational sciences, Sociology, Law, Social and economic geography, Media and communications, Other social sciences, Humanities, Languages and literature, Philosophy, ethics and religion, Art (arts, history of arts, performing arts, music), Interdisciplinary
Vicky Moumtzi Greece Greece Engineering and technology, Electrical engineering, electronic engineering, information engineering, Social sciences, Media and communications
Vanessa Hollis Australia Social sciences, Humanities, Interdisciplinary
Tayechalem Moges Rwanda Subsaharan Africa Medical and health sciences, Interdisciplinary, Social sciences
Timea Crofony Europe Czech Republic, EU, Israel Social sciences, Humanities
Qodsa K Tuvalu Engineering and technology, Social sciences
Teresa Carvalho Portugal Portugal Social sciences
Tejaswini Petkar Natural sciences, Medical and health sciences, Agricultural and environmental sciences, Interdisciplinary
Salamatu Joana Tannor Germany Ghana Natural sciences, Agricultural and environmental sciences, Interdisciplinary, Other discipline
Shilan Fuad Hussain United Kingdom of Great Britain (UK) Middle East, Iraq, diaspora Humanities, Interdisciplinary
Sara Falcão Casaca Portugal Portugal Social sciences
Sara Cantillon United Kingdom Europe/USA Social sciences, Interdisciplinary
Rekha Pande India India Social sciences
Seema Singh India South Asia Social sciences