Prof Flavia Marzano

"In addition to providing information on published research, studies and events, GenPORT offers the opportunity to share and exchange knowledge, experiences and good practices for gender equality not only in Scientific, Technological, Engineering, Mathematical (so-called STEM), but also in human and social sciences. The outcome of GenPORT framework is the collective construction of an international gender equality database in the world of science and research.”


Prof. Flavia Marzano, professor of Digital Transformation at Link Campus University.

She is presently involved in a project aimed to increase digital awareness in women especially in the context of cybersecurity and privacy and in the daily use of smartphones and social networks.

In her role as City Councillor on Innovation at Roma Capitale (2016-2019) she interpreted her mandate with the goal of making the city more inclusive and innovative by encouraging participation and active citizenship, with a particular focus on women participation. In that sense, Flavia Marzano declined the Digital Agenda from a gender perspective.

She has been working for the innovation of the public administration for more than 25 years. She has been a Professor in Technologies for public administration at the Universities of Bologna, Turin and Roma "La Sapienza” and she is now a Professor at the Link Campus University where she created and she manages the Master on Smart Public Administration.

During the last 10 years, her activity was mainly about: Open Government, Smart cities, Digital Agenda, Transparency, Participation, Open Source, Open data, Active Citizenship, Digital and Gender Divide, Virtual Communities.

She is the founder and past President (until July 2016) of the Estates General of Innovation, and the creator and animator of the Wister Network (Women for Intelligent and Smart Territories).

She got her High School Diploma in Rome, and her Master Degree in "Computer Science" at the University of Pisa.