Drawing upon its high-quality global data sources and analytical expertise, Elsevier has developed a comprehensive new report, Gender in the Global Research Landscape, as an evidence-based examination of the outputs, quality, and impact of research worldwide through a gender lens and as a vehicle for understanding the role of gender within the structure of the global research enterprise. The report covers 20 years, 12 geographies and 27 subject areas, providing powerful insight and guidance on gender research and gender equality policy for governments, funders and institutions worldwide.
Join us on Friday, 12 May in Brussels for a morning launch event featuring an overview of key findings and a broader expert discussion of the importance of an evidence base to address gender inequality and gender research. Keynote presentations will be given by Carlos Moedas, European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation and Ron Mobed, Chief Executive Office at Elsevier.
The presentation and networking luncheon are open to the public at no charge, however registration is required and space is limited.
To download a copy of the report, visit Elsevier's Gender and Science Resource Center.