International conference "Gender Studies and Research 2019: Centenary Achievements and Perspectives

Vilniaus universiteto Komunikacijos fakulteto Lyčių studijų centras rengia tarptautinę konferenciją, skirtą paminėti moterų balsavimo teisės įgyvendinimo 100-metį Lietuvoje bei siekia suburti įvairių sričių mokslininkes ir mokslininkus, tyrėjas ir tyrėjus, aktyvistes ir aktyvistus – visas ir visus, kas dirba įvairiose lyčių studijų srityse Lietuvos ir užsienio švietimo, mokslo bei tyrimų institucijose, pasidalinti mokslinių tyrimų rezultatais ir idėjomis.

Kviečiame teikti pranešimų santraukas išvardintomis ir susijusiomis temomis:

  • feministiniai tyrimai, feministinės metodologijos ir epistemologijos;
  • vyrų ir vyriškumo studijos;
  • queer ir LGBT studijos;
  • lyčių lygybė; socialiniai judėjimai ir moterų, vyrų, LGBT+ teisės;
  • moterų istorija, lytis socio-istoriniuose kontekstuose;
  • lytis socialinėse institucijose: švietimas, šeima, mokslas, teisė, ekonomika, medicina, žiniasklaida, menas, kt.;
  • lytis ir seksualumas;
  • lyčių ekonomika;
  • lytis organizacijoje, lyderystė;
  • lytis ir komunikacija;
  • lytis ir medijos;
  • lytis ir literatūra;
  • smurtas lyties pagrindu;
  • lyties ir kitų socialinių kategorijų sąveikos: lytis ir rasė, negalia, amžius, išsilavinimas, kt.;
  • lytis ir makro lygmens socialiniai procesai: demokratija, ekologija, migracija, kt.;
  • lytis ir teisė;
  • lytis ir sveikata.

Konferencijos pranešimų sąrašas nėra baigtinis – maloniai prašome siūlyti pranešimus kitomis tiesiogiai su lyties problematika susijusiomis Jums aktualiomis temomis.

    Description of the event (english translation): 

    The Gender Studies Centre at the Faculty of Communication of Vilnius University  (Lithuania) is organizing an international conference to commemorate the 100 years anniversary of women’s right to vote in Lithuania and many other countries. We seek to bring together scientists, researchers and activists of all genders who work in various branches of gender studies in educational, scientific, policy making and many other institutions to proclaim and publicly reflect centenary achievements and challenges in women’s, men’s and others’ lives and gender studies in general from theoretical, empirical and practical perspectives on national, regional, European and even global levels.

    Gender studies have already entrenched as an immense research field encompassing women and feminism, men and masculinity as well as queer studies, studies on gender equality, equal rights and social movements, placement of gender in intersectional and diverse contexts, etc. Covering all – micro, meso, macro – levels of analysis, gender studies provide new knowledge and serve as a powerful engine for social, political, and economic improvements. However, institutionalization of gender studies and achievements in the field significantly vary by country. Therefore, the conference is aimed at:

    1. Sharing the most up-to-date results in the field of gender studies and research as well as discussing ideas, challenges and potential resolutions in the field;
    2. Strengthening cooperation between gender researchers, activists and other interested parties on the institutional and international levels;
    3. Encouraging public discussions on current gender-related topics and striving to initiate resolution of the most significant (e.g., gender-based violence, discrimination, etc.) problems.

    The conference will cover a number of gender-related fields, including but not limited to:

    • feminist studies, feminist methodologies and epistemologies;
    • studies of men and masculinity;
    • queer and LGBT+ studies;
    • gender and sexuality;
    • educational methodologies and geographical specifics of gender studies;
    • gender equality, social movements and women’s, men’s, and LGBT+ rights;
    • women’s history, gender in sociohistorical contexts;
    • gender in social institutions: education, family, sciences, law, economics, medicine, media, arts etc.;
    • gender at work;
    • gender and literature studies;
    • sociolinguistic studies of gender;
    • gender and communication;
    • gender and legislation, gender-based violence;
    • the interplay of gender and other social categories: gender and race, disability, age, education etc.;
    • gender and macro-level social processes: democracy, ecology, migration, etc.;
    • gender and law;
    • gender and health.
    Thursday, November 21, 2019 - 09:30 to Saturday, November 23, 2019 - 15:00
    Universiteto g. 3
    Vilnius University
    Type of event: 
    Abstract submission: 
    Thursday, April 25, 2019

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