X International Workshop on Science, Technology and Gender

X International Workshop on Science, Technology and Gender: Visions and Versions of Biomedical Technologies

Science, Technology and Society studies deal with different models of governance and public participation in the health sciences and technologies, and their socio‐medical implications. These studies analyze the production, circulation and exchange of “expert” and “lay” knowledges, focusing on different biomedical fields where “biosocialities” or groups of patients/affected by different medical categories have emerged.

This workshop will pay attention to biomedical fields related to neurologic diseases, rare diseases, etc. and to the socio‐medical categories of intersexuality and transexuality, in addition to those technologies used to improve and reinforce bodies (especially women's) in cosmetic medicine, bio‐nutritional, pharmacological, sports‐related technologies, etc.

Contributions on following matters shall be accepted:

(1) Actors involved: scientific community and medical professionals, patient and patient's families advocacy groups, economical actors –companies‐, institutions, etc.

(2) Relationships among them: collaboration, oppositions, alliances, resistances or defiances to the scientific community, the private sector or the pharmaceutical companies etc.)

(3) The different spaces of communication and exchange – with special emphasis on the Internet ‐ 

(4) The socio‐ethical aspects that arise from the experts ́ role in the scientific networks

(5) The reconfiguration of knowledges, practices, positions and legitimacy produced by the above mentioned circulations and the creation of different versions of the biomedical phenomena.

(6) Explicit or hidden innovations, if any.

Keynote Speakers: Hida Viloria, Ana Toledo

Monday, March 23, 2015 - 09:30 to Wednesday, March 25, 2015 - 16:30
Scientific discipline: 
Type of event: 

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