E-discussion: CASPER Gender Equality Certification Scenarios

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The CASPER project (https://www.caspergender.eu) examines the feasibility of establishing a European award/certification system for gender equality for Research Performing Organizations. Based upon an extensive assessment of available certification schemes and needs across Europe and beyond, the project has developed three possible scenarios that pave the ground for a realistic EU wide award/certification framework.

This e-discussion provides an open forum to comment and discuss the three developed Gender Equality Certification/Award Schemes (GECAS): (1) a new EU-wide GECAS, (2) a Gender Equality Strategy for Researchers (GES4R), and (3) the Europeanisation of a national GECAS - Athena SWAN. A brief introduction for each scheme is available on the CASPER blog.

The e-discussion will be structured according to the three proposed scenarios under review, with one hour dedicated to each. Participants are invited to join at the specified hour and GECAS scenario of interest. Threads will be opened at the specified time but remain open afterwards for additional posts.


Date and time: 18th June 2021

Scenario 1 - New/EU wide GECAS
Focal online discussion 10:00 - 11:00 (Brussels Time/CET)

Moderated by Marion Lesur (ESF) with opening comments from:

Angela Wroblewski, Institute for Advanced Studies (IHS), Austria.
Maxime Forest, Associate Researcher and Lecturer at Sciences Po (OFCE), France.


Scenario 2 - A Gender Equality Strategy for Researchers (GES4R)
Focal online discussion 11:00 - 12:00 (Brussels Time/CET)

Moderated by Jörg Müller (UOC) with opening comments from:

Evanthia K. Schmidt, Danish Centre for Studies in Research and Research Policy, Denmark.
Elisabeth Anna Guenther, University of Vienna, Austria.

Scenario 3 - Europeanisation of a national GECAS - Athena SWAN
Focal online discussion 12:00 - 13:00 (Brussels Time/CET)

Moderated by Agostina Allori (Yellow Window) with opening comments from:

Inés Sánchez de Madariaga, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain
Clemens Striebing, Fraunhofer Center for Responsible Research and Innovation, Germany








Monday, June 7, 2021 - 11:34

Active Threads:


3 years 1 month ago
Posted by: joerg
Let's start with our third and last scenario, the europeanisation of a national GECAS - Athena SWAN. Again, here is a short introduction to this third scenario:STRATEGIC CHOICE BEHIND SCENARIO SETUPThis concept scenario explores how the well-known Athena SWAN scheme could be adapted to become a Europe-wide scheme. The reason behind this proposal is that Athena SWAN represents one of the most...
Comments: 34
3 years 1 month ago
Posted by: joerg
Let's start with our second thread and scenario,  a Gender Equality Strategy for Researchers (GES4R). As a reminder of the main features, here is the short summary:STRATEGIC CHOICE BEHIND SCENARIO SETUPThis concept scenario builds on an already well-known European scheme (the HRS4R) and integrates it with a separate but connected GECAS devoted to gender equality. It would still be...
Comments: 26
3 years 1 month ago
Posted by: joerg
Welcome to this CASPER e-discussion on a New/EU wide Gender Equality Certification/Award Scenario. As an introduction, here is a short description of the main features and strategic choices behind this first GECAS scenario:STRATEGIC CHOICE BEHIND SCENARIO SETUPThe first concept scenario foresees the introduction of a brand-new EU-wide GECAS, which represents the most ambitious choice of the three...
Comments: 38