GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Resistance to gender equality

Overcoming resistance to gender equality; fighting denial of gender inequality.

Author Post date Title
Laura Getz 2016-Jan-27 GenPORT - Analysis of Policy Environments Report - Abbreviated Version
Laura Getz 2015-Nov-4 La conciliation travail-famille: un enjeu complexe pour le féminisme d’État
Laura Getz 2015-Nov-4 Social Norms and Mothers’ Labor Market Attachment. The Medium-run Effects of Parental Benefits
Laura Getz 2015-Aug-25 Gender as symbolic glue: the position and role of conservative and far right parties in the anti-gender mobilizations in Europe
2015-Jul-2 Mathias Wullum Nielsen: New and persistent gender equality challenges in academia
2015-May-11 ANNEXES - Stocktaking 10 years of "women in science" policy by the European Commission 1999-2009
2015-May-11 Stocktaking 10 years of "women in science" policy by the European Commission 1999-2009
Henrietta Dale 2014-Mar-12 How stereotypes impair women’s careers in science
Henrietta Dale 2014-Feb-26 Beyond Bias and Barriers Fulfilling the potential of women in academic science and engineering
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2014-Feb-24 Women in Battle. Gender Perspectives and Fighting
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2014-Feb-24 Identifying Judicial Empathy: Does Having Daughters Cause Judges to Rule for Women’s Issues?
Elizabeth Pollitzer
2014-Feb-21 Powerful synergies Gender Equality, Economic Development and Environmental Sustainability
Author Post date Title
Laura Getz 2015-Sep-17 Gender and Music: Practices, Performances, Politics
Laura Getz 2015-Sep-17 Gender Studies in Debate: Pathways, challenges and interdisciplinary perspectives
Laura Getz 2015-Sep-1 Ready for Dialogue Fachveranstaltung zur Geschlechterdimension in Wissenschaft und Forschung
Laura Getz 2015-Jul-15 Doing Gender Research - Geschlechterforscher*innen und Hochschulpolitik
Author Post date Title
Laura Getz 2015-Sep-1 Agentur für Querschnittsziele im ESF
Henrietta Dale 2014-Jun-11 SASSY - Sharing Academic Sexism Stories w/ You, Belgium