Date: 27th of May 2020 10.00-11.30Place: MS TeamsPlease register here until 25th of May: Programme:10.00-10.30 – “Gender inequality in the Czech R&I: data and policies”, Hana Tenglerová (Centre for Gender and Science, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences) Abstract: The Czech Republic is one of the moderate innovators. Comparing to other EU countries the share of women in R&I is low. There are no substantial developments in these numbers over the past last 15 years although the share of women with a Ph.D. has increased. Since "natural evolution" did not happen, the responsible state institutions went from a "policy of inactivity" to the implementation of isolated measures and acceptance of work-life balance as an issue to be tackled. Resistance however persists. In my presentation, I will focus on the introduction to the Czech context in terms of numbers and the reflection of recent state policy developments. Hana Tenglerová studied Public and Social Policy at the Faculty of Social Sciences, Charles University Prague. She joined the Centre for Gender and Science team in 2008. Her field is advocacy, gender balance in decision-making and policy-making processes in research. Hana is a gender expert, analyst and policy consultant in the field of science and research policy. She is the editor and main author of annual Monitoring reports on the position of women in Czech science between 2009 – 2017. Between 2009 – 2019 she was in charge of the organization of the Milada Paulova Award on behalf of the Czech Ministry of Education, Youth and Sports and was responsible for Czech online communication of the department (website, newsletter, FB and Twitter). Since 2018 she is a member of the evaluation team in the structural changes of the GenderSMART project Horizont 2020. 10.30-11.00 – “The current situation of gender equality among Czech universities and research organizations”, Timea Crofony (Centre for Gender and Science, Institute of Sociology, Czech Academy of Sciences) Abstract: Czech Republic sadly belongs to the European countries on the lower end of GE Index. In the world of academia and research, there are no concrete obligatory tools which must be implemented to promote the equality between women and men, only recommendations. For different reasons, universities and research organizations implement and use certain tools which promote the diversity though. In the presentation I will focus on the reasons behind those measures which we can further on use when facing resistance and biases and on examples of good practice used by Czech universities and research organisations. Timea Crofony graduated from the Faculty of Law of Charles University and after graduation she worked public administration, attorney´s office (focusing on criminal law, family law and domestic violence) and as a university lawyer and methodologist of cooperation with the application sphere and gender equality coordinator. She completed a comprehensive educational program in research, development and innovation. She is currently finishing her Gender Studies at Faculty of Humanities, Charles University. She has been a member of the Centre for Gender and Science since mid-2019. Within the INTER-EXCELLENCE program, she focuses on gender mainstreaming and cultural and institutional change in higher education and research organizations. She also leads the Working Group for Change and, together with her colleague Pavla Rypáčková, is dedicated to the institutional support and lecturing. 11.00-11.30 – Discussion
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