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STATEC - Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg

Submitted by Laura Getz on Wed, 05/27/2015 - 16:09
About (original language)

Le STATEC (Institut national de la statistique et des études économiques du Grand-Duché du Luxembourg) est une administration, sous l’autorité du Ministère de l'Économie. Il jouit cependant de l'indépendance scientifique et professionnelle c. à d. que le STATEC fixe son programme de travail en accord avec la législation statistique nationale et européenne, il produit et diffuse ses données en toute neutralité.

Ses missions consistent à fournir aux décideurs publics et privés ainsi qu’aux citoyens un service public d’information statistique de haute qualité. Le STATEC s’engage à produire des statistiques, des analyses et des études qui représentent une image détaillée, fiable et objective de la société luxembourgeoise.

Le STATEC coordonne le système statistique luxembourgeois, organisé selon le principe de la centralisation statistique.


About (English translation)
STATEC is the National Institute of statistics and economic studies of the Grand Duchy of Luxembourg. STATEC is an administration placed under the authority of the Ministry of the Economy. It is professionally and scientifically independent, i.e. it sets its own work programme in accordance with national and European statistical legislation, produces and disseminates data in complete neutrality.

The Law of July 10, 2011 on the organisation of the National Institute for Statistics and Economic Studies sets out the missions of STATEC and its internal organisation. These missions are to provide a public information service of high quality to public and private decision-makers as well as to citizens. STATEC is committed to produce statistics, analyses and studies giving a detailed, reliable and objective image of the society of Luxembourg.

STATEC coordinates the statistical system of Luxembourg, organised according to the principle of statistical centralisation. For this purpose it widely relies on collaboration with other producers of data as well as with public and private research centres. STATEC so centralises data available from public authorities to carry out its studies, but also to make them available to its users on a single platform. With the new law of July 10, 2011, applied scientific research is added to STATEC’s missions.

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