GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

INTEGER Online Guidelines

Submitted by joerg on Thu, 03/10/2016 - 09:52
About (English version)

The INTEGER tools for action, based on good practices brought together by the experience of the INTEGER project, are designed for peer research and higher education institutions seeking to improve the position and progression of women researchers through the implementation of gender action plans.

The site is structured according to PLAN - DO - CHECK - ACT steps, each providing specific templates and guides.

PLAN: A common framework and an overall methodology for constructing the Transformational-Gender Action Plans (T-GAPs) can be shared by all implementing institutions, in order to foster a sustainable transformational change.

DO: Once the data are collected, the objectives and the methodology established, the next step is to execute the process: train the teams, inform, disseminate and implement your actions.

CHECK: Assess the progress of the T-GAPs in your organisation and ensure that they are tailored to meet your prevailing contexts and issues as well as ensure that the targets and indicators are realistic and measurable.

ACT: Once the first three steps are achieved, the last step is to review, clarify and refine your Transformational-Gender Action Plan.


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