GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.


A title
Salamatu Joana
Family Name
Area of expertise, interest, main activities...
About you (other languages)
Ich interessiere mich sehr für die Grenzen zwischen Ressourcenentwicklung und -erhaltung zur Armutsbekämpfung und Integrität der Ökosysteme. Mein Forschungsinteresse gilt der Umweltverträglichkeitsprüfung, integrierten Ansätzen für die nachhaltige Nutzung natürlicher Ressourcen und der Anpassung an den Klimawandel mit den Menschen und für die Menschen. Meine Arbeit als Umweltbeauftragte in einem multinationalen Goldminenunternehmen in Ghana bot mir die Gelegenheit, Frauen in Bergbauinitiativen zu organisieren. Außerdem erkannte ich, dass die Einbeziehung lokaler Frauen in Stilllegungsprojekte zur Wiederherstellung von durch Minen zerstörtem Land zu positiven Ergebnissen führt.

About you (please use English)
I have keen interest on the edges of resources development and conservation for poverty reduction and ecosystem integrity. My research interest are in enviornmental impact assessement, integrated approaches for sustainable natural resource exploitation, climate change adaptation with the people and for the people. Working as an environmental officer in a multinational gold mine firm in Ghana ushered an opportunity to organise women in mining initiatives. Als, i came to appreciate that involving local women in decommissioning projects for restoring mine-disturbed lands created favourable outcome.
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Country coverage
Skills and track record
Member of revamp comittee and vice president of Science Club, Mfantsiman Girls Senior High Saltpond. Advocated for teacher-support to prepare science students towards National Science and Maths competition.
Ambassor to promote Girl child education : Ghana Education Service, Ajumako District (08.2003-08.2004). Facilitated in the formation of Girls Club within basic schools and empowered girl child confidence and interest in science
Founding member of women in Mining, Damang chapter. Goldfields Damang Mine Chapter, (08.201-03.2016). Promoted gender inclusiveness in operational level decision making, organised women's health awareness programs, keep fit programs, inter-mine football competition
Eduard-Pfliüger 56

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4 months 4 weeks