GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Ana Valenzuela

A title
Area of expertise, interest, main activities...
About you (other languages)
Co-fondatrice de SIEMPRE ngo basée à Bruxelles et chercheusse en biologie végétale, expert en production d'alcool (Tequila-Mezcal) et liqueurs européennes et produits locaux. Consultant en recherche participative sur l'agriculture durable et conservation des variétés locales d'agave. Membre de I, équipe scientifique 2018 et dans l'exploration de nouveaux cadres sur les écosystèmes de la violence contre les femmes en Europe. Intéressé par les femmes dans les réseaux scientifiques et les idées de l'interaction et la collaboration des femmes dans l'enseignement des sciences STEAM.
Cofundadora de SIEMPRE ngo con base en Bruselas e investigadora en biología vegetal, experta en producción de alcohol (Tequila-Mezcal) y licores europeos y productos locales. Consultora en investigación participativa sobre agricultura sostenible y conservación de variedades locales de agave. Miembro del equipo científico I, 2018 y en la exploración de nuevos marcos sobre los ecosistemas de violencia contra las mujeres en Europa. Interesada en mujeres en redes científicas e ideas de interacción y colaboración de mujeres en STEAM science education. Veinte años de experiencia en educación superior e investigación interdisciplinaria.
About you (please use English)
Co-founder of SIEMPRE ngo based in Brussels and researcher in plant biology, expert in alcohol (Tequila-Mezcal) production and European liquors and local products. Consultant in sustainable agriculture participatory research and agave landraces conservation. Member of I, Scientist team 2018 and exploring new frames about ecosystems of violence against women in Europe. Interested in women in science networkings and interbreeding ideas about women collaboration in science education STEAM.
Country coverage
Skills and track record
My first contributions in gender were on industrial studies in Mexico (Tequila industry) and the women participation during the growth and modernisation after 2000 year. My interest was deeper in gender and plants with myths, symbols and women uses of Agave genus plants. Recently, after studies in Sciences of medicines development I found what important is gender in medical research and how this subject has been almost ignored. Actually using tools, frameworks and ideas about the Exposome human project and Epigenetics I work with a new approach about violence against women. My skills are achieved in plant science, ecology tools. sustainable theories and practices and economics basis.

Member for

7 years 2 months