GenderTime - Transferring Implementing Monitoring Equality

About (English version): 
The aim of the GenderTime project is to identify and implement the best systemic approach to increase the participation and career advancement of women researchers in selected institutions where self-tailored action plans are implemented. Institutions involved in GenderTime are intentionally very different in terms of size, discipline, history, etc. in order to experiment in various situations and to create a synergy among scientific partners. The plans will involve activities as recruitment, retention and promotion policies, supporting work-life balance measures, updated management and research standards, supporting policies for dual careers-couple, etc. To guarantee the real implementation of structural change in each Institution a central role will be assumed by the transfer agents. A crucial point will be the real commitment of organizational heads of each participant.
Tuesday, January 1, 2013 to Thursday, December 1, 2016
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"GenderTime - Transferring Implementing Monitoring Equality"
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agodfroy's picture

My institution, Université Paris Est Créteil (UPEC), was member of the consortium and WP leader. I was the team leader ofd the team UPEC

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