Increasing Capacity for Implementing Gender Action Plans in Science (genSET)

About (English version): 
genSET is an innovative project aiming to improve the excellence of European science through inclusion of the gender dimension in research and science knowledge making. It is a forum for sustainable dialogue between European science leaders, science stakeholder institutions, gender experts, and science strategy decision-makers, to help implement effective overall gender strategies. The funding for genSET was initially from the European Commission, FP7 programme. The EC phase of the project ended in March 2012, and genSET continues as a programme run by Portia Ltd. The Gender Summits were established as part of the project and continue to run as a platform supporting and advancing excellence and effectiveness of research and innovation at all levels, through the inclusion of gender.
Tuesday, September 1, 2009 to Wednesday, February 1, 2012
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"Increasing Capacity for Implementing Gender Action Plans in Science (genSET)"
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"Increasing Capacity for Implementing Gender Action Plans in Science (genSET)"
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"Increasing Capacity for Implementing Gender Action Plans in Science (genSET)"
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"Increasing Capacity for Implementing Gender Action Plans in Science (genSET)"
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"Increasing Capacity for Implementing Gender Action Plans in Science (genSET)"
<- is developed by
as a Participating Institution
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