MA Gender Studies, University of Oslo

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Masters degree in Gender Studies at the University of Oslo.

Would you like a study that opens several doors in to the labour market? A master's degree in Gender studies will give you the ability to work independently on central issues related to gender, feminism, gender equality, power and knowledge production.

These issues are central if you want a profession for instance in teaching and research, Public administration, NGOs/special interest organizations and culture.

The Master's degree programme in Gender Studies will give the students competence on gender and the ability to work independently on central issues related to gender, feminism, gender equality, power and knowledge production. A central topic will be the use of gender as an analytic category and a critical perspective on central questions within science, politics, culture and social issues.

The programme consists of a disciplinary part and a Master’s thesis part, each with 60 credits. In the first year of the programme the focus will be on the disciplinary part with six 10 credit courses. The thesis part is in the second year of the programme. The students will then write their theses based on their own research, supervised by a teacher. The subject for the thesis should be chosen in the second semester of the programme. The courses and supervision are offered in English and Norwegian. The thesis can be written in English, Norwegian or another Scandinavian language.

This is an interdisciplinary and flexible programme where students have the option combine gender courses at the Centre for Gender Research with courses from other units. In their study programme, students progress from working with general and basic issues, via courses that provide specialisation and knowledge of new areas, and in the end work independently with the thesis. Most of the courses in the first year of the study programme are directly or indirectly part of the preparation for the work with the thesis. During the second year students can concentrate on their thesis. The topic for the Master’s thesis must be chosen in agreement with, and be approved by, the teacher. Supervision includes assistance in choosing the topic and the main research questions, finding source materials, and help with structure and presentation.

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