EducA 2017 : Inequalities : contributions of the "Educations For ..." ?

Description of the event (english translation): 

Internationally, the role of education turned to go beyond the acquisition of knowledge and cognitive abilities and include concepts such as the development of universal values of general skills or behaviors. It is expected that the education facilitates international cooperation and promotes social change in innovative ways to enable the emergence of a more just, more peaceful, more tolerant, more inclusive, safer and more sustainable world (UNESCO, 2015).
Rising inequality and the development of social difficulties destabilizes deeply our societies and run counter the ideal promoted by UNESCO. The mythical figure of the universal citizen is putten down by the actual inequality and the democratic ideal of equality is seriously compromised.
The “Educations for …”, in addition to conventional teachings, are characterized by the development of attitudes, values and social skills through educational activities or projects for the involvement and commitment of participants (Lebeaume & Pavlova 2009). The researchs on the field of the “Educations for …” refers to a plurality of theoretical and methodological frameworks (didactic, sociological, psychological, historical, clinical, anthropological, philosophical) as well as to different fields of intervention and educational forms. It is through a formal, non-formal or informal education that it contribute to the training of male and female citizens to become responsible actors.
The congress ask questions about the "Educations for …" and their contributions to debates on citizenship, stereotyping, discrimination, ignorance and inequality in the world. What scientific and epistemological references, what teaching methods are they using? What strategies are implemented to form the Citizens ? What academic disciplines are convened and fed (philosophy, history, geography, religious education, civic education, art education, science, mathematics, physical education and sports)? How, across disciplines and their articulation with the “Educations for …” give importance to debate, reason and rigor ? How to help the learners build the intellectual tools to analyze and understand key concepts such as justice, dignity and freedom, but also responsibility ? How to make them think, criticize constructively and creatively imagine future?
How, through formal, non-formal or informal trainings or educations, contribute to the promotion of social cohesion and democratic participation, an awareness of the finitude of our communities and thus to sustainable development? How to improve the distribution of benefits of economic globalization and technological progress? How to promote gender equality and equity in diversity? What is the contribution of the "Educations for ..." to reduce inequality and to the social cohesion ?
National and international contributions researches are especially solicited as well as the contributions from local practical experiences. The objective of the congress is to develop and share knowledge but also to federate dynamic actors both in the field of research and in the development of the implementation of their results

Thursday, March 2, 2017 - 10:00 to Sunday, March 5, 2017 - 19:00
Hotel Diar Lemdina - Hammamet - Tunisia
Type of event: 
Abstract submission: 
Monday, October 31, 2016

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