Chief Executive Women. Women leaders enabling women leaders
Founded in 1985, Chief Executive Women now represents more than 400 of Australia’s most senior and distinguished women leaders, whose shared vision is Women Leaders Enabling Women Leaders.
We strive to educate and influence all levels of Australian business and government on the importance of gender balance. Through advocacy, targeted programs and scholarships, CEW works to remove the barriers to women’s progression and ensure equal opportunity for prosperity.
CEW’s programs are informed by research, led by CEW members, and generously supported by our partners.
Female graduates outnumber men at record levels in Australia, yet start out earning 90 cents for every dollar their male counterparts earn. The pay gap widens over time, with an overall average pay differential of around 18%.
Fewer women than men participate in the paid workforce – 60% for women, compared to more than 70% for men – and part time work is dominated by women, when only around 6% of part-time jobs are managerial.
Some women make it to positions of leadership and decision making, but not many. Only 5% of CEOs in the ASX200 are women. In the ASX500, the percentage drops to 2.4%. For women in the Australian workforce, it’s a long way to the top.