Equality policies in universities and science, PhD contract
About (English version):
In 2021, one selected candidate will be the beneficiary of 3 years wowrking contract, under the MSCA-COFUND Edition, and all the advantages of the Martí i Franquès Programme. The title of the research project: Equality policies in universities and science.
Key words: Social movements, activism and politics.
In recent years, both in Spain and in the European Union as a whole, there has been an important development of equality policies in science and in universities. This process was advanced and has been implemented through specific policy initiatives and legislation. Specifically, in Spain, this was carried out thanks to the approval of Organic Law 3/2007 for the effective equality of women and men, and the subsequent equality regional regulations, and was supplemented by Organic Law 4/2007 of Amendment of the Organic Law of Universities. Both laws regulated the creation of organizational structures and equality plans within universities, becoming key elements for the development of equality policies in those institutions. Subsequently, the thirteenth additional provision of Law 14/2011 on Science, Technology and Innovation was responsible for regulating the implementation of the gender perspective in science.
In the European Union, a number of reports and studies on the situation of women in the various fields of scientific activity have been carried out since the 1990s. These studies identified the inequalities between men and women and have provided empirical evidence of the barriers that exist in the functioning of scientific institutions and universities. One of the most verified conclusions is that the inequalities identified affect the development of professional careers of women scientists, compared to their male counterparts. On the basis of these reports, a series of actions have been developed to promote equality between men and women in science. With the adoption of the H2020 Programme, a commitment was made to promote equality between men and women as well as gender mainstreaming in research and innovation. Engagement reaffirmed in the Horizon Europe programme, which establishes as a criterion of eligibility of participants to have approved a Gender Equality Plan.
This whole process of implementing equality policies has been a central element in advancing the elimination of certain discriminations that have affected and continue to affect women. In the case of universities, two factors can be highlighted by the potential they have in helping to build more egalitarian organizations: the creation of equality units within the university structure and the elaboration of equality plans.
These instruments have also served to identify the elements that may hinder the advancement of equality policies in the universities themselves and in the science system in general. Identifying these elements is key to be able to promote the most appropriate measures with the aim of eliminating possible discrimination.
The main objective of the research presented here is to assess the impact of the measures adopted as a result of the implementation of equality policies on the reduction of inequality between men and women within universities. It is also interesting to analyse what are the most relevant challenges to achieve more effective equality policies in the field of science and, in particular, in European and Spanish universities. More than 10 years after the creation of the first equality units and plans, it is appropriate to analyse and evaluate this process and the remaining challenges.
Highly desirable attributes of the ideal candidate:
- Demonstrated previous experience in one or more of the following topics: gender and women studies, sociology, equality policies.
- Hold a Master degree, or equivalent, in: social sciences, sociology, gender studies, political science.
- Language skills: Spanish and English.
- Specific Software: data analysis programs such as Excel and SPSS (or equivalent in free programming).
- Other skills: publications, participation in research, communication skills.
- Personality traits: teamwork, flexibility in performing tasks, autonomy.
Thursday, July 15, 2021 to Monday, September 6, 2021
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Type of Project:
Type of policy or practical measure:
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Gender and Science taxonomy:
Submitted 3 years 1 month ago by igualtatURV.