The Gender in Science and Technology LAB (Genis Lab)

About (English version): 
GENIS – LAB concept moves from the acknowledgement that a decade of gender in science activities promoted by the European Commission has brought forward evident changes in the gender dimension of science. In 2008 and in 2009, through the “Science in Society Work Programme”, the European Commission financed several projects aimed at raising awareness on the gender inequalities in research organisations and universities. However, there still are several factors which limit or impede the change towards effective equality between men and women in science. These factors appear to be linked to organisational systems and to the relation between individuals and the organisations. Thus, a complex intervention focusing on organisational dynamics, as the one proposed by GENIS-LAB, whose objective is to have an effective impact on the conditions of women and men in research organisations. In this perspective GENIS LAB main objectives are: to improve women researchers working conditions to improve women researchers carriers opportunities in research organisations to improve organisational climate–workplace, acting on organisational culture - to fight against negative stereotypes, within research organisation but also in a more general context to contribute to the creation of positive stereotypes.
Genis Lab
Saturday, January 1, 2011 to Monday, December 1, 2014
Type of Project: 
Type of policy or practical measure: 
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"The Gender in Science and Technology LAB (Genis Lab)"
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as a Coordinating Institution
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"The Gender in Science and Technology LAB (Genis Lab)"
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as a Participating Institution
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