Lithuanian National project - Promotion gender equality in sciences

About (English version): 
Association initiated and was active in development of conception and proposal preparation of national Lithuanian LYMOS project devoted to establish the structural changes in Lithuanian science system towards implementation equal opportunities in sciences. The LYMOS project will start at the beginning of 2010. Its duration is 2 years. BASNET Forumas will be one of project partners. Project will be financed by EU structural funds. The national project “Promotion of gender equality in sciences” (LYMOS) was initiated by regional Baltic States association BASNET Forumas for implementation of Lithuanian national Strategy ensuring equal opportunities for male and female in sciences accepted by Ministry of Education and Science and worked out on the basis of FP6 BASNET project results. The project is aiming to work out structural bases for implementation of gender mainstreaming policy in Lithuanian science system. LYMOS main activities of the project are targeted to: Reviewing of legal basis regulating scientific activities in Lithuania from the gender equality aspect and formulation recommendations to different institutions how they should be improved; Reviewing techniques used for assessment of achievements of universities and research institutes Creation of sensitive to gender issues science monitoring system Creation measures conducing retaining women in hard sciences: piloting financial support programme for woman returning from baby care leaves. This will allow women scientists working in sciences and HT recover their qualification and prepare themselves for dignified reintegration into the scientific community Wide information activities targeted to familiarize scientific community with gender equality problem in sciences and its importance. It includes TV movie advertising women scientists as talented but underestimated in the society, international conference, meetings –discussions on gender equality in science with science policy makers, politicians, executives of funding agencies and heads of university and research institutes and scientific community at large. Project dissemination activities in Lithuania and beyond. Project is financed by European Structural Funds and coordinated by Lithuanian Academy of Sciences. Project partners are: BASNET Forumas, Lithuanian Science Council and Lithuanian National Union of Students.
Tuesday, March 1, 2011 to Tuesday, January 1, 2013
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