Women – Change Agents in Education and Science (Serbia)

About (English version): 
The research aims at examining the agency of women in science, strategies and ways in which women come to decision-making positions or are prevented from reaching them. Our aim is to map conjunctions of work and family expectations (time), of supports for and obstacles to personal advancement in the field of their expertise (money and time), and their life paths in developing their field (knowledge and money).
About (Original language): 
Istraživanje ima za cilj ispitivanje dejstvenosti žena u nauci, kao i strategija i načina na koje žene dolaze na pozicije odlučivanja ili su sprečene da dođu do njih. Naš cilj je da mapiramo prakse usklađivanja profesionalnih i porodičnih obaveza (glavna dimenzija: vreme), podršku i prepreke za profesionalni napredak (novac i vreme) i njihovih životnih puteva tokom razvoja karijere (znanje i novac).
Monday, January 1, 2018 to Tuesday, July 31, 2018
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