V roce 2005 zahájilo NKC-ŽV projekt Talentky. Cílem bylo představovat badatelky, které stojí na začátku své vědecké dráhy, mají za sebou první úspěchy a před sebou otevřenou budoucnost. Něchtěly jsme vytvořit výběr ojedinělých profilů talentovaných odbornic, které by jako výjimky vyčnívaly nad ostatními. Dámský gambit je souborem vyprávění o tom, jak se žije mladým ženám, které se vědě s úspěchem věnují.
After focusing on scientists who achieved scientific recognition we wanted to research the experiences and attitudes of another generation of women scientists – researchers at the beginning of their careers. We called them, and the whole project, Female Talents. We referenced talents, even though we know it is not enough just to have talent; a chance to nurture and develop it is equally important. We engaged with early stage women researchers over the course of two years and asked them how they came into science, what worries them about science, how they feel as women-researchers and whether they have encountered any inequalities. It was interesting to hear their stories, which were as varied as the fields they work in, yet at the same time similar, when speaking about the satisfaction and fulfilment which scientific work brings them. One of the major topics was motherhood, an obstacle to their work but also an inspiration – a key moment which could end their scientific paths or open up new dimensions. Titled The Queen’s Gambit: The Launch of a Research Career, it is a vivid yet natural narration depicting the trials and tribulations of what life is like for early-stage women in science.