The Gender Evaluation Methodology (GEM) for ICT initiatives is an innovative evalu ation guide for ICT practitioners seeking an appropriate gender framework and analysis tools for their information and communication technology (ICT) interventions.
GEM was developed by the Association for Progressive Communications Women’s Networking Support Programme (APCWNSP), a global network that facilitates the strategic use of ICTs in support of women’s actions and agendas. Since 1994, APCWNSP has worked globally, co-ordinating research and “on-the-ground” activities that have highlighted the need for strengthening consideration of gender concerns in the planning and implementation of ICT initiatives. As more and more of today’s development work and money is channelled into projects that employ ICTs, their effects on women are of great importance. For women, the accessibility of ICTs requires adequate equipment, information, financing, organisation, training and time. Evaluation of ICT development work is therefore critical to ensure gender equality and women’s empowerment are addressed.
GEM can be used by practitioners, including:
Organisations using ICT for development, human rights and other issues
Project managers and project staff using ICT in projects without a specific gender or women’s focus
Evaluators working in the ICT field
Donors and development agency staff working in the ICT field
Gender focal points that support women’s and ICT issues
Policy makers
ICT planners
Consultants in the area of gender and ICT
The guide provides users with an overview of the evaluation process (including links to general evaluation resources) and outlines suggested strategies and methodologies for incorporating a gender analysis throughout the evaluation process. GEM is not simply an evaluation tool. It can also be used to ensure that gender concerns are integrated into a project planning process.