Gender& Health Knowledge Agenda

About (English version): 

The purpose of this Knowledge Agenda is to give direction to a future National
Gender and Health knowledge programme. This Agenda mentions a large number
of subjects that might be included in such a programme. Nevertheless, further
clustering, definition and prioritisation will be needed. Budgets are under strain
and clear choices will have to be made.
In this respect, it is important that the choices made under the national knowledge
programme cater directly for the needs and wishes of clients and women themselves.
With this in mind, it would seem wise to establish an advisory committee
including representatives of patients and patient associations.
One major problem associated with the subject of gender and health lies in the
fact that a lot of knowledge is fragmented, and there is insufficient awareness and
practical implementation of existing knowledge. In this regard, it is important that
any future knowledge programme tie in with the work of the Gender & Health
Alliance’s Awareness and Communication and Education Working Groups.
The Research Working Group would therefore recommend a broad-based
multi-year knowledge programme with two major components:
1 implementation of existing knowledge and
2 development and implementation of new knowledge.

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