GENTE - Website on Nordic research on gender in teacher education

About (English version): 

The need to include a gender equality perspective in teacher education has been known for a long time. Gender equality in education has been a world-wide mission since the 1970s, featuring numerous international resolutions and projects. The Nordic countries, as well, have a strong tradition of collaboration in projects on gender equality in education and teacher education stretching back to the 1980s.

Some of the best-known Nordic researchers in the field of gender and education consequently joined forces in 2016 to bring about this website, which gathers together the core of Nordic research on gender in education. The aim is to offer resources to teacher educators interested in increasing gender awareness in their teaching.

The team of people behind this database are all members of the Nordic Centre of Excellence ‘Justice through Education in the Nordic countries’, funded by NordForsk.

Team Gente

Elina Lahelma, Professor, University of Helsinki

Sirpa Lappalainen, PhD, docent, University lecturer, University of Helsinki

Liisa Tainio, Professor (Language and Literature Education), Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki

Elisabet Öhrn, Professor, University of Gothenburg

Ann-Sofie Holm, University lecturer, University of Gothenburg


Ylva Odenbring, PhD and Associate Professor of Education, University of Gothenburg

Jenni Helakorpi, Doctoral student, Faculty of Educational Sciences, University of Helsinki

Mia Smeds, Communication Specialist, NCoE JustEd, University of Helsinki

Venla Toivonen, Research assistant, University of Helsinki

Gaby Weiner, Professor, University of Essex


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