Knowledge Gateway for Women's Economic Empowerment

About (English version): 

Today 4 out of 10 workers globally are women. Yet the majority has insecure jobs, earn on average 20% less than men, and do most of the unpaid work. Raising female employment to male levels could raise GDP by up to 34 percent. Economically empowered women improve workplace performance, raise agricultural productivity, increase household income, and raise healthier, better-educated children.

The Knowledge Gateway for Women’s Economic Empowerment——is an open global platform that promotes collaboration, learning and innovation to advance women’s economic empowerment. It connects women and men in more than 190 economies with development partners from the private sector, civil society, academia, governments and international organizations. is a community-driven online platform that provides opportunities for women and men to:

  • EXPLORE over 1,000 resources and tools for driving the agenda of gender equality and women’s economic empowerment and for helping women to achieve their economic goals.
  • CONNECT businesses, entrepreneurs, farmers, workers, politicians, policy-makers, professionals, researchers, and advocates for women’s economic empowerment.
  • DISCUSS what governments, companies, civil society, communities, families and individuals can do to advance economic empowerment of women.
  • LEARN new skills and gain insights on how to enter the job market, develop a career, run a business, claim economic rights, and succeed professionally.  
Type of resource: 
Web community gateway
Media Type: 
Dynamic Content (website,portal, blog, newsfeed, etc.)
Geographic provenance: 
USA United States of America
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