GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Facts & concepts on gender inequality

Author Post date Title
arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-10 Mathematics and science choice following introduction of compulsory study profiles into Dutch secondary education
arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-10 Gendered study choice: a literature review. A review of theory and research into the unequal representation of male and female students in mathematics, science, and technology
arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-7 Education and Training - GenPORT Research Synthesis 1
2015-Dec-1 The Global Gender Gap Report 2015
2015-Nov-26 Statistics on Women in Mathematics / Catherine Hobbs & Esmyr Koomen
2015-Nov-25 Greg Martin: Addressing the Underrepresentation of Women in Mathematics Conferences
arroyo_lidia 2015-Nov-24 Plans and initiatives in selected research institutions aiming to stimulate gender equality and enact structural change
arroyo_lidia 2015-Nov-19 National plans and initiatives promoting gender equality and structural change
arroyo_lidia 2015-Nov-17 Report. Online Discussion on Integrating Gender Equality in Universities and Research Institutions
arroyo_lidia 2015-Nov-7 The GARCIA project gendering the academy and research
arroyo_lidia 2015-Nov-7 5 women scientists tell their stories of hard-earned success
arroyo_lidia 2015-Nov-7 Women in Academic Science. A Changing Landscape
arroyo_lidia 2015-Nov-6 A Gender Neutral Process?
arroyo_lidia 2015-Nov-6 Time to keep score on female scientists
arroyo_lidia 2015-Nov-6 Can gender shape the future of technology?
arroyo_lidia 2015-Nov-5 Gender contributes to personal research funding success in The Netherlands
arroyo_lidia 2015-Nov-5 Overcoming unconscious gender bias in science evaluation
Author Post date Title
2015-Dec-2 Deusto Gender Interdisciplinary Research Platform
Author Post date Title
2015-Nov-18 4. Bundeskongress Gender-Gesundheit 2016
arroyo_lidia 2015-Nov-17 Online Discussion on "Enhancing EIGE’s Partnership with Academia, Civil Society and Media"