GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.


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Prof. Dr.
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Prof. Gulsun Saglamer (F) Former Rector of Istanbul Technical University (ITU) (1996-2004) is professor of architecture and was a post-doc researcher in Cambridge University (1975-1976), visiting professor in Queen’s University of Belfast in 1993-1996 and also an external examiner at the same university (1999 and 2003). She was a member of the Scientific Committee of TUBITAK-INTAG (The Scientific and Technical Research Council of Turkey) (1990-1996), Board Member of the European University Association (2005-2009), member of the Steering Committee of the EUA’s Institutional Evaluation Programme (IEP) (2009-2013) and member of the Research Policy Working Group of EUA (2005-2015). She is a member of the Editorial Boards of “Open House International”, “International Journal for Housing Science and Its Applications”. Professor Saglamer is President of CMU (Community of Mediterranean Universities) (2012- ) and President of European Women Rectors Association (EWORA) (2015-). She is a member of the EC’s Advisory Groups of Marie Sklodowska-Curie Actions (MSCA) and Gender. She chaired the MSCA AG between 2013-2016. Prof. Saglamer has also established a center in Istanbul Technical University titled “Women Studies in Science Engineering and Technology) in 2009 and was the director of the center between 2009-2012. She has been re-elected as the Presdent of EWORA for the period of 2019-20123.

Prof Saglamer received several architectural prizes and was awarded Honoris Causa by Carleton University, Canada (2001), Universitatea de Nord Din Baia Mare University, Romania (2002) and Ovidius University of Constantza in Romania (2009) and also Queens’ University Belfast (2018).
American Institute of Architects (AIA) awarded her “Honorary Fellowship (Hon FAIA) in 2006. She was also awarded “Leonardo da Vinci Medal” by SEFI (Société Européenne Pour la Formation Ingénieurs-European Society for Engineering Education) in 2005-2006. She is a member of European Academy of Sciences, Arts and Letters since 2011.


Prof. Dr. Gülsün Sağlamer


Projects funded by European Commission : Istanbul Technical University was a consortium member of the projects listed below. Prof. Gulsun Saglamer was the ITU team leader of all these projects:

UNICAFE–Survey of the University Career of Female Scientists at Life Sciences versus
Technical Universities, funded by European Commission, 2006-2008
UNICAFE Project* (2006-2008) aimed to conduct a survey with seven partnering universities
from six countries, on university career of female scientists at life sciences versus technical
universities. Beyond the Glass Ceiling: Women Academics in Engineering, Technology and
Life Sciences across Europe Conference aims to present the outcomes of UNICAFE Project
and to bring together the scholars and researchers from all over the world who are currently
working on the current situation and future perspectives of Women Academics in
engineering, technology and life sciences.

Meta Analysis – Meta-analysis of gender and science research, funded by European
Commission, 2008-2010:
The purpose of the Meta-analysis of gender and science research study is to collect and analyse gender and science research on the following topics:» Horizontal segregation in research careers: this topic covers the issue of choice of scientific subjects by girls and occupational choices by women, the perception and attractiveness of science, engineering and technology, the causes underlying these choices (e.g. stereotypes, influence of family and role models, etc.), the causes of success and failure at university level, etc.
» Vertical segregation in research careers: this topic covers the barriers for women to reach top scientific positions ("glass ceiling" or "sticky floor"), mentoring/tutoring initiatives, etc.
» The underlying causes and effects of these two aspects, including work-life balance issues, pay gap, mobility-related obstacles, dual careers, evidence of discrimination, working culture, stereotypes, gender bias in research contents, etc.
» Steer policy-making on gender and science in the years to come and define future research priorities within the 7th Framework Programme, in particular through good practice examples and gap analysis in the various research topics.

SHEMERA–Euro-Mediterranean research cooperation on gender and science: SHE Euro
Mediterranean Research Area, funded by European Commission, 2011-2014
The overall objective of SHEMERA is enhancing research cooperation on gender and science
between the European Union and the Mediterranean countries. Research cooperation is
aimed at better understanding the roots of gender inequality in science in the area, taking into
account cultural diversities and traditions, and analyse how the Mediterranean countries are
addressing this issue. The project is led by CIREM and the consortium consists of 17 partners
- 6 from Member States and Associated States, and 11 from the Mediterranean countries from
the list of International Co-operation Partner Countries: Algeria, Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon,
Libya, Morocco, Palestinian-administered areas, Syrian Arab Republic, Tunisia. SHEMERA is
funded by the European Commission under the Science in Society Programme of FP7. The
project will collect data and generate state-of-the-art descriptions and relevant comparative
analysis on gender and science in all the Mediterranean countries, focusing on three key
themes: statistics on women in science, gender equality policies, and research on gender
inequalities in science careers. The results will be made accessible to the research community
and policy makers via an online database but also through publishable reports and workshops.
In an effort to enhance networking and to steer policy-making on gender and science in the
years to come, the project will offer recommendations to policy-makers aimed at increasing
the presence of women in scientific research and technological development at all levels, and
at ensuring an improved integration of the gender dimension in research policy.

FESTA–Female Empowerment in Science and Technology Academia, funded by European
Commission, 2012-2017
The project aims to see 1) female researchers encour - aged to staying and making a career in Academia, 2) organizational environments where the competence of all employees are valued and fostered and 3) a well-functioning working environment that wel - comes a diverse group of employees at all levels. We find the working environment of researchers in the lower levels of their careers particularly interesting, because it is at this level it may become possible for them to advance to the ranks of highest scientif - ic expertise. We look into the daily environment of researchers: formal and informal decision making processes, meeting cultures, PhD supervision, perceptions of excellence in hiring processes and in the work envi - ronment, and resistance to equality measures, fos - tering the full potential of the entire workforce.

COST Gender STE, Science, Technology, Environment. genderSTE is a network of policy
makers and experts committed to promoting fair representation of women and better
integration of gender analysis in research and innovation   
The main objective of COSTgenderSTE  was to promote a better integration of gender dimensions in
science and technology at three main levels:
1. Promoting women’s careers in science and technology through structural change of institutions (as recommended by the European Commission) by disseminating existing research and practice;
2. Promoting a better integration of gender in the content of science, research and technology, by dissemination existing research on the topic, i.e. the EU-US Gendered Innovations project;
3. Identifying gender dimensions relevant to environment-related Horizon2020 Grand Challenges and to the JPI Urban Europe.
COSTgenderSTE aimed to overcome two challenges:
• The lack of implementation of previously-elucidated gender in science and technology roadmaps and best practice guidelines throughout many COST Member States, in two specific and interrelated aspects: structural change of institutions for promoting women’s careers; integration of sex and gender analysis in the content of research and technology.
• The need to develop discipline-specific gender roadmaps and best practice guides for important fields such as the Horizon2020 Grand Challenges and Urban Europe.

Formation of Network of Female Academics in Science, Engineering and Technology in
Turkey (NETFA) / Türkiye’de Bilim Mühendislik ve Teknolojide Kadın Akademisyenler Ağı
Prof. Gulsun Saglamer, ITU was the coordinator of a national project titled “Formation of Network of Female Academics in Science, Engineering and Technology in Turkey (NETFA)” carried out between 2010-2013. With the support of Coca-Cola Foundation and research funds from their institutions, Women Studies Centers from 7 universities were involved in the project to study gender patterns in the career of academics. As an outcome of the project a report titled “Women’s Participation in Turkish Higher Education” was published and an article based on this report has been accepted to be published in the journal "Women's Studies International Forum" by Elsevier with the title "Gendered Patterns of Higher Education in Turkey: Advances and Challenges".


• Sağlamer G., Tan M, Çebi Pelin D., Çağlayan H, Gümüşoğlu N. K., Poyraz B., Öztan E., Özdemir İ., Tekcan M., Adak N.,, Kahraman S. Ö. (2018). Gendered patterns of higher education in Turkey: Advances and challenge. Women's Studies International Forum,Volume 66,Pages 33-47, ISSN 0277-5395,
• Sağlamer G., Tan M, Çağlayan H., Almgren N., Salminen‐Karlsson M., Baisner L., Sophia Myers E, Toftgaard Jørgensen G., Aye M., Bausch S., O’Connor P., O’Hagan C., Richardson I, Conc Mi, Apostolov, Topuzova I. (2016). “Handbook on Resistance to Gender Equality in Academia” Available at
• O’Hagan, C., O’Connor, P., Myers, E.S., Baisner, L., Apostolov, G., Topuvzova, I., Saglamer, G., Tan, M and Caglayan’, H. (2016), Perpetuating academic capitalism and maintaining gender orders through career practices in STEM in universities Critical Studies in Education. Published online 6.10.16. DOI:
• O’Connor, P., López, E. M., O’ Hagan, C., Wolffram, A., Aye, M., Chizzola, V., Mich, O., Apostolov, G., Topuzova, I., Sağlamer, G., Tan, M. G., Çağlayan, H. (2017) Micro-political practices in higher education: a challenge to excellence as a rationalising myth? Critical Studies in Education.
• O’Connor, P., O’Hagan, C., Myers, E.S., Baisner, L., Apostolov, G., Topuvzova, I.,
Saglamer, G.,Tan, M and Caglayan’, H. (2019): Mentoring and sponsorship in higher
education institutions: men’s invisible advantage in STEM?, Higher Education Research &
Development, DOI: 10.1080/07294360.2019.1686468
• Sağlamer G. (2013), Leadership in Higher Education with Special Reference to Women Leaders in Academia, Decision-makers and Administrators Leadership and Governance Handbook, Vol. 1, Berlin: Dr. Josef Raabe Verlag.
• Sağlamer G., Tan M., Caglayan H. (eds) (2013), "Türk Yüksek Öğretiminde Kadın Katılımı Üzerine Bir Araştırma (Women’s Participation in Turkish Higher Education). Istanbul: Cenkler Matbaacılık.
• Sağlamer G. (Co-Author with 7 others) “Türkiye’de Bilim Mühendislik ve Teknolojide Kadın Akademisyenler Ağı: İstanbul Teknik Üniversitesi Raporu”, İstanbul. 978-975-561-435-9
• Sağlamer G. (Co-Author with 9 others) (January 2015). “Handbook: Gender-sensitive Design of Criteria and Recruitment,Appointment and Promotion Processes in Academia”, Report by FESTA (Female Empowerment in Science and Technology in Academia) EU- Framework 7 funded project. ISBN 978-87-93152-06-9.
• Sağlamer G. (Co-Author with 10 others) (November 2016). “Development, implementation and evaluation of the FESTA Strategic Career Manager (SCM)”, Report by FESTA (Female Empowerment in Science and Technology in Academia) EU- Framework 7 funded project. ISBN 978-87-93152-14-4.
• Sağlamer G. (Co-Author with 6 others) (January 2015). “Expert Report 4.1 Gendering Decision Making and Communications Processes”, Report by FESTA (Female Empowerment in Science and Technology in Academia) EU- Framework 7 funded project. ISBN 978-87-93152-05-2.

• Sağlamer G. (Co-Author with 8 others) (2015). “Methodologies and measures for analysing informal decision-making and communication processes”, Report by FESTA (Female Empowerment in Science and Technology in Academia) EU- Framework 7 funded project. ISBN: 978-87-93152-07-6.
• Sağlamer G. (Co-Author with 9 others) (2013). “Perceptions of Excellence in Hiring Processes: Results of mapping of the present situation in Bulgaria, Germany, Ireland, Italy, and Turkey”, Report by FESTA (Female Empowerment in Science and Technology in Academia) EU- Framework 7 funded project, ISBN 978-87-93152-02-1.

Published FESTA documents All public FESTA deliverables are available from the
FESTA Web Portal at the following URL:


• FESTA-GARCIA joint final conference, Brussels, 7-8 November 2016.
• FESTA Project National Conference, SDKM, Istanbul Technical University, April 18 2016.
• CMU 2015 (Community of Meditarrenean Universities) Workshop on Women in Higher Education and Research ((under the patronage of Turkish National Commission for UNESCO). Karadeniz Technical University, Trabzon, Turkey. 11-14 June 2015.
• “Engendering The Sustainable Development Agenda” International Conference, co-organized by COST genderSTE (European Cooperation in Science and Technology Gender, Science, Technology and Environment EU Funded Project) and Istanbul Technical University. 5-6 November 2015.
• “Engendering Research about Cities, Transport, Energy & Climate Change” Training School, co-organized by COST genderSTE (European Cooperation in Science and Technology Gender, Science, Technology and Environment EU Funded Project) and Istanbul Technical University. 2-5 November 2015.
• FESTA Training on “Professional Networking and Visibility”. 29th of June, 2015. Faculty of Computer and Informatics, ITU.
• Cam Tavanın Ötesinde: Türkiye’de Bilim Mühendislik ve Teknolojide Kadın Akademisyenler Ağı Konferansı, Istanbul Technical University, 7 June 2013.
• European Women Rectors Conference Series, Beyond the Glass Ceiling: Women Rectors Across Europe, 2008-2010-2012-2014 (


• Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) in Mediterranean Basin, SEFI Annual Conference Lisbon, 2011.
• “Formation of Network of Female Academics in Science, Engineering and Technology in Turkey (NETFA)” presented at the 6th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion International Conference, Athens University of Economics and Business School, Athens, Greece, 1-3 July, 2013.
• “Women’s Participation in Turkish Higher Education” panel organized at 8th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, September 3-5, 2014.
• “Institutionalisation of European Women Rectors Platform: A Voyage from EWRP to EWORA”, Sino-Nordic-Sub-Forum: Potentiality, Ability and Authority, Tampere, 24 May 2016
• Science Europe Practical Guide to Improving Gender Equality In
Research Organisations, “Some Thoughts on the Guide”, Brussels, 28 February, 2017,
• What are the Success factors for Institutional Change
SHIFT-GEAR Mainstreaming Gender into Academic and Research Organisations Conference 20 October 2016, Brussels
• Gender Equality in HE&R: Sustainable Change and Resistance , STAGES
Final conference Structural TransformatIon to achieve Gender Equality In scIence, 3 December 2015, Brussels
• Resolution Resistant Discrimination: Positioning Women Academics for Leadership
DEANS’ CONFERENCE 2017, Paris, 1st of September 2017
• 8 March 2017 International Women’s Day
Speed of Change is Very Fast in all Segments of Life except Improvements in Gender Equality, Sarajevo, 2017
• Women Participation in Public-Private-Academic Sectors:
The Puzzling Case of TURKEY, Global Leaders’ Forum May 18-20 2016 Sofia
• The Role of the Leadership in the Proces of Change,
Engendering Habitat III Facing the Global Challenges in Cities, Climate Change and Transport, 5-7 October 2016, Madrid
• Women in Higher Education and Research German Chancellors Conference :Gender and Diversity – tools for strategic human resources development in higher education institutions, 19 September 2013. Nurnberg, Germany
• Women in Science, Engineering and Technology (SET) in Mediterranean Basin, SEFI Annual Conference Lisbon, 2011.
• “Formation of Network of Female Academics in Science, Engineering and Technology in Turkey (NETFA)” presented at the 6th Equality, Diversity and Inclusion International Conference, Athens University of Economics and Business School, Athens, Greece, 1-3 July, 2013.
• “Women’s Participation in Turkish Higher Education” panel organized at 8th European Conference on Gender Equality in Higher Education, Vienna University of Technology, Austria, September 3-5, 2014.
• FESTA-GARCIA joint final conference, Brussels, 7-8 November 2016.



For many years, in addition to the research and publication activities in their own areas, the female faculty members in Istanbul Technical University also had an important contribution to the topics of gender equality. As an example, ITU was one of the seven partner universities from six countries (Hungary, Austria, Estonia, Finland, Italy and Turkey) of the UNICAFE (Survey of the University Career of Female Scientists at Life Sciences versus Technical Universities), an EU FP6 project held between 2006-2008, aiming to study the situation of women academics in Engineering and Science. ITU hosted the final conference of this project in November 2008 and the Meeting of European Women Rectors I which was executed just before it. The final conference of the study entitled “Towards Gender Equality in Employment: Politics of Compromising the Work and Family Life”, was also held in Istanbul Technical University on May 27 2009 with the participation of the experts from six countries. All these works initiated the idea to establish a center in order to utilize the potential for gender equality in Istanbul Technical University. The centre was established by the approval of Turkish Higher Education Council on November 04, 2009. (



European Women Rectors Association (EWORA) is a full-fledged International Non-Profit association established in Brussels under Belgian Law in December 2015 to promote the role of women in leadership positions in the academic sector and to advocate gender equality in higher education and research at European and international scales. EWORA is the continuation of European Women Rectors Platform (EWRP), which has been active since 2008 in organizing biennial European Women Rectors Conferences. After Istanbul Technical University took part in a FP6 project funded by EC, the first conference in 2008 was organized as a pre-conference meeting of the UNICAFE dissemination event. Biennial conferences organized and hosted by Istanbul Technical University between 2008 and 2014. EWRP organized 4 conferences entitled “Beyond the Glass Ceiling: Women Rectors Across Europe”, which provided the opportunity for women rectors and vice rectors to share their experiences as academic leaders. These conferences brought together an interdisciplinary group of women academic leaders who share a commitment to foster new approaches in order to increase the number of women academic leaders around the world. The participants of these conferences also focused on new ideas to improve the conditions for women academics to remove the barriers for horizontal and vertical segregation. Women Rectos Conferences intended to examine the position and the experiences of women in higher educational administration and discuss the strategies that have been used to improve the inclusion of women at this level. The conferences further aimed at achieving these objectives through analysis and comparison of different international practices and policies. With resolving to transform this institutional potential to reality, EWORA is founded with the aim of addressing gender-based structural inequality, especially with regard to academic leadership.

European Women Rectors Conferences: Beyond the Glass Ceiling: Women Rectors Across Europe, 2008-2010-2012-2014, held in ITU, ISTANBUL (

First Conference
Beyond the Glass Ceiling: Women Academics in Engineering, Technology and Life Sciences Across Europe”
11 November, 2008, Istanbul
8 national and
10 international participants
Second Conference
“Beyond The Glass Ceiling: Women Rectors Across Europe Women Leadership In Higher Education”
12-14 April 2010, Istanbul
30 international and
12 national guests
Third Conference
"Beyond The Glass Ceiling: Women Rectors Across Europe Achievements, Challenges & Opportunities"
21- 23 May 2012, Istanbul
19 national and 60 international guests
Fourth Conference
Beyond The Glass Ceiling: Women Rectors Across Europe, Role of Leadership in Structural Changes
15- 17 May 2014, Istanbul
25 national and 58 international guests

After the fourth conference, which was organized under the patronage of UNESCO, a set of recommendations, based on the discussions during the conference, for different bodies such as European Commission, nation states and academic institutions were developed. Participants who are or have been leaders in academic institutions crafted and designed recommendations on the bases of their career experiences as well as the contributions of the experts. This document, which is called “Istanbul Recommendations”, provides recommendations under 3 main titles, which are “Recommendations for Academic Leaders/Leadership”, “Recommendations for National Authorities” and Recommendations for Supra-­­ National Organizations.

EWRP also co-sponsored a one day workshop titled “Women’s Participation in Higher Education and Research” and co-organized by Community of Mediterranean Universities (CMU) and Karadeniz Technical University (KTU). A single day event that took place on 12th of July at KTU was held under the patronage of UNESCO Turkish National Commission and brought together academics, researchers, university leaders and policy makers. The participants had the opportunity to exchange ideas regarding the advancement of women in higher education and research from a cross cultural perspective. As EWRP started to foster collaboration and exchange of information among women decision makers of higher education, the existing knowledge and network created the need to expand by establishing a legal entity. EWORA was founded to serve this purpose and will continue to take initiatives to promote new approaches for women ́s equal representation at decision making levels of higher education and research.
The founding Board Members are Carmen Fenoll, Kristín Ingólfsdóttir, Helena Nazare, Ursula Nelles, Gulsun Saglamer (President), Christina Ullenius and Krista Varantola.

Vision: EWORA promotes gender equality in higher education and research with special reference to leadership.
Mission: EWORA is established to develop strategies to promote women’s participation at decision making levels in higher education and research. EWORA is committed to provide opportunity for women rectors to share their experiences to improve the situation of women academics and to remove the barriers for horizontal and vertical segregation in academia.
Goals: EWORA aims to
• develop strategies and policies that will:
o encourage women academics to target leadership positions;
o create opportunities for increasing women’s representation in higher education and research;
o be proposed to decision makers at institutional, national and European levels;
• establish a new Europe-wide network  to transfer and spread knowledge and experience among women leaders in academia;
• ensure a balanced participation of women and men in academic leadership;
• observe, evaluate and analyse the gender differences in academia in different cultures at European levels;
• conduct research on gender equality in academia at European and international levels
to become more effective and efficient for achieving substantial change across the world.
EWORA had a well-attended Inauguration​ ​Ceremony of EWORA (European Women Rectors Association) on 20th of June​, ​2016 in Brussels with the contributions of outstanding​ ​keynote​ ​speakers. These speakers were Carlos Moedas​, ​European Commissioner for Research, Science and Innovation and​ ​Ingibjörg Sólrún Gísladóttir UN Women Regional Director for Europe and Central Asi​a. ​Věra Jourová, European Commissioner for Justice, Consumers and Gender Equality also sent her video message to the​ ​meeting​. ​The meeting attracted over 70 participants who found the meeting informative and worthwhile. The primary goal of this meeting was to bring together EU representatives, women university leaders, representatives of major networks of higher education and gender experts in order to assess the opportunities and challenges for empowering women to participate fully in academic leadership positions. EWORA recently organized the 5th European Women Rectors Conference on May 29/30, 2017 in Solvay Library, Brussels. The meeting attracted over 85 international participants and the primary goal of this meeting was to bring together EU representatives, women university leaders, representatives of major networks of higher education and gender experts in order to assess the opportunities and challenges for empowering women to participate fully in academic leadership positions. Helene Hellmark Knuttson, Swedish Minister for Higher Education and Research, honoured us in this conference with a keynote address.

In May 2017, EWORA organized the 5th European Women Rectors Conference in Brussels.
Helene Hellmark Knuttson, Swedish Minister for Higher Education and Research, honoured us in this conference with a keynote address. EWORA has also been organizing national meetings:
• Meeting with current/former Turkish female Rectors, 21 April 2017, Conrad Hotel, Istanbul
• Meeting with current/former Turkish female Rectors, 12 September 2017, Ciragan Kempinski Hotel, Istanbul

In May 2018, EWORA organised its First Workshop on “Change Management and Resistance” in Lisbon. The EWORA Honorary AWARD 2018 was to the Government of Sweden and the ceremony took place in Lisbon and hosted by Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education of Portugal and Swedish Government was represented by Helene Hellmark Knutson, Minster for HE&Research.

In May 2019, EWORA organized the 6th European Women Rectors Conference on “Responding to Evolving Challenges: Best Practices for Women Leadership in Academia” in Malmö/Sweden. EWORA 2nd Honorary Award to Spanish President Ceremony was hosted by the Swedish Minister of Education and Research.

In 26- May - 28 May 2020 EWORA is going to organize its 2nd Workshop in Valencia hosted by the University of Valencia (

Area of Gender Expertise
Country coverage
Skills and track record
Gender Equality in Higher Education, Women in STEM, Women Leadership in Higher Education, Quality Control in Higher Education, Funding in Higher Education
Park Maya, Orkide Sok. C2 Blok,

Member for

4 years 11 months