
Content related with this taxonomy term:

Displaying 41 - 60 of 295
Created by Post date Title
BEO's picture BEO 2021-Feb-12 Regulatory Approaches Towards Prostitution in European Comparison
BEO's picture BEO 2021-Feb-12 Prostitution in Europe between Regulation and Prohibition: Comparing Legal Situations and...
BEO's picture BEO 2021-Jan-25 The 2030 Agenda and the goal of gender equality- European approaches in comparison
BEO's picture BEO 2021-Jan-20 Persecution on the grounds of sexual orientation and gender identity- asylum rights, proce...
BEO's picture BEO 2021-Jan-20 LGBTI Rights. Germany in a European Comparison
BEO's picture BEO 2021-Jan-20 LGBTI policies in Europe- Overview and Outlook
BEO's picture BEO 2021-Jan-20 Perspectives on the new LGBTI strategy announced by the European Commission
BEO's picture BEO 2021-Jan-18 Digital violence against women: new forms of violence and approaches to fight them in Euro...
gigi guizzo's picture gigi guizzo 2020-Dec-09 #HITproject best practice manual for youth empowerment
Sergi Yanes 2020-Nov-26 Gendered Innovations 2: How Inclusive Analysis Contributes to Research and Innovation: Pol...
Sergi Yanes 2020-Oct-06 ACT Knowledge Sharing Hub. Specification and Description of Services
Sergi Yanes 2020-Sep-17 How will the COVID-19 crisis affect existing gender divides in Europe?
Rachel Palmén's picture Rachel Palmén 2020-Sep-03 Standing Working Group on Gender in Research and Innovation. 2020. Report on the Implement...
Maria Jose Romano's picture Maria Jose Romano 2020-Sep-02 Men's health: COVID-19 pandemic highlights need for overdue policy action
Grasenick's picture Grasenick 2020-Jul-23 RRI and Digital Inclusiveness during Covid-19 Crisis in the HBP
Grasenick's picture Grasenick 2020-May-22 When is a tool a tool? An analysis of toolkits, guiding materials & websites to integr...
Rachel Palmén's picture Rachel Palmén 2020-May-11 Gender cultures and the gender arrangement—a theoretical framework for cross‐national gend...

Users related with the taxonomy term COUNTRY

Displaying 10 firsts users sorted by User Points
Name Scientific discipline Country Area of Gender Expertise Stakeholder group
lhusu's picture lhusu Social sciences, Interdisciplinary Europe Gender in business and management, Gender in engineering and technology Science stakeholders, Policy stakeholders
RRITools Europe Gender in aeronautics
Baltic Gender Natural sciences, Engineering and technology Europe Gender in natural sciences Science stakeholders, Gender equality stakeholders
efrem Social sciences Europe
heidizach's picture heidizach Social sciences, Sociology Europe Gender research, Innovation and diversity (e.g. gender) Gender equality stakeholders, Gender equality practitioners & advisers
Athena-Maria Social sciences, Humanities Europe Gender in computer sciences, Gender in social sciences Policy stakeholders, Gender equality stakeholders
Silvitaa Cabero Europe
RoseC Social sciences, Economics and business Europe Gender, Gender in business and management Science stakeholders, Teachers, educators, learners
jthomas123 Europe
Regina Fehring's picture Regina Fehring Europe Gender equality stakeholders