
Content related with this taxonomy term:

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Created by Post date Title
joerg's picture joerg 2017-Nov-21 Dutch Society for Gender & Health / Vereniging Gender en Gezondheid

Users related with the taxonomy term COUNTRY

Displaying 10 firsts users sorted by User Points
Name Scientific discipline Country Area of Gender Expertise Stakeholder group
inekeklinge Medical and health sciences, Health sciences Netherlands Science stakeholders, Policy stakeholders
c.j.vinkenburg's picture c.j.vinkenburg Social sciences, Psychology Netherlands Gender research Gender equality stakeholders, Gender equality practitioners & advisers
Mieke Verloo Netherlands Gender in political sciences
Marijke Naezer's picture Marijke Naezer Social sciences Netherlands Science stakeholders
Pieter Vijn Humanities Netherlands
Demet Yazilitas Social sciences Netherlands Gender in education Science stakeholders, Policy stakeholders
petervdbes Natural sciences, Mathematics Netherlands Gender in computer sciences
Paul Wouters Social sciences, Other social sciences Netherlands Science stakeholders, Scientists & Researcher
ltummers Engineering and technology Netherlands Gender in urban planning and development Science stakeholders
emsingh2017 Social sciences, Humanities Netherlands Gender in engineering and technology