United Kingdom

Users related with the taxonomy term COUNTRY

Displaying 10 firsts users sorted by User Points
Name Scientific discipline Country Area of Gender Expertise Stakeholder group
Clem Herman's picture Clem Herman Natural sciences, Computer and information sciences United Kingdom Gender in computer sciences, Women and gender studies Science stakeholders, Teachers, educators, learners
das0ld's picture das0ld Social sciences, Interdisciplinary United Kingdom Women and gender studies Policy stakeholders, Gender equality stakeholders
kateclaytonh's picture kateclaytonh Social sciences, Other social sciences United Kingdom
markmcglashanbcu's picture markmcglashanbcu Social sciences, Other social sciences United Kingdom Gender equality stakeholders, Gender networks (women’s, men's, sexuality,...)
JOREILLY Social sciences, Economics and business United Kingdom Gender in business and management, Gender in social sciences
Sara Cantillon's picture Sara Cantillon Social sciences, Interdisciplinary United Kingdom Gender in economics Policy stakeholders, Gender equality stakeholders
Stroma Cole Humanities, Interdisciplinary United Kingdom Gender in water resources Gender equality stakeholders
zrj0000 United Kingdom
taniajain United Kingdom Gender, Gender history
Fiona Armstrong... Social sciences, Economics and business United Kingdom Gender in business and management Science stakeholders, Teachers, educators, learners