European Women in Science TV Drama on Message

About (English version): 
One of the most powerful ways of presenting roles of women in science and engineering (SET) is through television. TV Drama in particular can present women scientists in human situations with which the public can identify, as well as painting an exciting picture of science. Such role and lifestyle models are much needed if more young women are to be attracted to careers in SET, and European culture generally is to reflect our rapidly changing world. EuroPAWS, the European TV drama Project in SET, carried out an EC supported action research project, ASSEND, and this EuroWistdom project builds on its recommendations. To achieve a breakthrough, a key step is to convince Europe's TV writers and producers that many appealing scenarios can now be found in SET.
Sunday, October 1, 2006 to Saturday, September 1, 2007
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"European Women in Science TV Drama on Message"
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