13th International Conference on New Directions in the Humanities 'From the ‘Digital Humanities’ to a Humanties of the Digital'

The conference will analyze the humanities of the digital through an interdisciplinary lens, addressing the theme through keynote speakers, garden sessions, workshops, and parallel sessions:

The ‘digital’ as a social imaginary: exploring historical continuities and ruptures in social and cultural practices in the era of digital cultures.
The digital within the humanities: new methods and tools for documentation, research, and representation.
The political economy of digital humanities: e-learning, e-publishing, and the reframing of disciplines and institutions.
Big data and little data; negotiating the public and the private.
Open access and open cultures: developing sustainable knowledge ecologies
Adapting methodologies and focus in the digital age: has the dust settled on the ‘digital humanities’?
From the digital humanities, to a humanities of the digital; rebuilding the humanities in the shadow of the digital, and developing a humanities of the digital.

Wednesday, June 17, 2015 (All day) to Friday, June 19, 2015 (All day)
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