Writing history from the perspectives of gender and the body

The workshop examines feminist and queer approaches to the historiography, especially that of the arts and music. The aim of the workshop is to help individual students form their research questions and arguments, using methods and theoretical models drawn from recent "intersectional" scholarship on the interaction of gendered and raced alterities, as well as from history, historical studies of the arts, musicology, ethnomusicology, anthropology and sound studies. Special emphasis will be on the interpretation of historical data as articulations of or evidence about gendered and raced distributions of power in the past. Enrollment: In order to book a place in the workshop, please, send a note to pirkko.moisala@helsinki.fi Requirements: Before the course the students should submit a paper contributing to her/his PhD project (4000-5000 words based on appr. 300 pp. of literature) and a 1-3 page description of the PhD project. These should be sent to the responsible tutor (pirkko.moisala@helsinki.fi) by Oct 31st. Before the workshop, the students should read carefully the prescribed course literature (appr. 300 pp), as well as other participant’s papers. They are required to take actively part in discussions after the public talk, on course literature and to give generous support to other Ph.D. students’ papers. All the course requirements need to be completed in order to attain the credits (7,5 ECTs).

Description of the event (english translation): 
Tuesday, November 21, 2017 - 09:00 to Thursday, November 23, 2017 - 17:00
Helsinki University
Type of event: 
Abstract submission: 
Tuesday, October 31, 2017

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