Facts & concepts on gender inequality

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Displaying 281 - 300 of 910
Created by Post date Title
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Jul-12 Why do Arab states lag the world in gender equality?
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Jul-12 Global Responsibilities. International spillovers in achieving the goals
Gloria Bonder's picture Gloria Bonder 2017-Jul-05 In higher ed, it’s not enough to “fix the numbers” of women in STEM
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Jul-05 Understanding Masculinities. Results from the International Men and Gender Equality Survey...
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Jun-27 Negotiating Culture in the Promotion of Gender Equality and Women’s Empowerment in Latin A...
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Jun-27 Gender-Responsive Budgeting in Latin America: Regional Learning to Advance Financing for G...
joerg's picture joerg 2017-Jun-16 The Seductions of Quantification. Measuring Human Rights, Gender Violence, and Sex Traffic...
joerg's picture joerg 2017-Jun-16 Gleichstellung messbar machen. Grundlagen und Andwendungen von Gender- und Gleichstellungs...
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Jun-04 A Linguistic Comparison of Letters of Recommendation for Male and Female Chemistry and Bio...
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-May-27 Succeeding as Engineering Majors: Cultural Ecology Theory and Perceptions of Within-Race G...
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-May-22 Gender, Poverty and the Conservation of Biodiversity. A Review of Issues and Opportunities
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-May-22 Do microfinance schemes shape gender relations in developing countries? Insights from a cr...
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-May-22 Gender and the right to food
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-May-22 Forty years of gender disparities in Russian science: a historical bibliometric analysis
joerg's picture joerg 2017-May-15 Equality and Status of Women in Research. Survey Report for the Global Research Council 20...
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-May-14 Poverty through a Gender Lens: Evidence and Policy Review on Gender and Poverty