Promoting gender equality in research institutions and the integration of the gender dimension in research contents (GENDER-NET)

About (English version): 
GENDER-NET is a pilot transnational research policy initiative funded by the European Commission under the Science in Society workprogramme of the seventh Framework Programme (FP7), designed to address the common challenges still facing European research institutions in achieving gender equality in research and innovation. These challenges concern the persistent barriers and constraints to the recruitment, advancement and mobility of women in the European scientific system, the lack of women in decision-making, and the limited integration of the gender dimension in research programmes and content. GENDER-NET is the first European Research Area Network (ERA-NET) to be dedicated to the promotion of gender equality through structural change in research institutions, as well as to the integration of sex and gender analysis in research.
Tuesday, October 1, 2013 to Saturday, October 1, 2016
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"Promoting gender equality in research institutions and the integration of the gender dimension in research contents (GENDER-NET)"
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"Promoting gender equality in research institutions and the integration of the gender dimension in research contents (GENDER-NET)"
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"Promoting gender equality in research institutions and the integration of the gender dimension in research contents (GENDER-NET)"
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"Promoting gender equality in research institutions and the integration of the gender dimension in research contents (GENDER-NET)"
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"Promoting gender equality in research institutions and the integration of the gender dimension in research contents (GENDER-NET)"
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