National Research School in Gender Research, Norway

About (English version): 

The National Research School in interdisciplinary gender research has the following goals:

  • To offer a high quality programme to PhD students in gender research as well as to other students who have a gender perspective in their dissertations
  • To collectively provide a broader research environment for students and advisers
  • To strengthen national collaborations
  • To strengthen international collaborations through joint initiatives
  • To contribute to the continuation of a Nordic Research School in Gender Research

Target group

Interdisciplinary gender research is both an established and an expanding area of research. There is a need to strengthen the research training of two groups of students: those doing an interdisciplinary PhD using gender theory as their most important framework, and those for whom gender is an important part of their analysis and who are doing their PhD degree in a different field. The collaboration around a National Research School will contribute to the development of gender research, strengthen gender research networks, and further the visibility of – and recruitment to – gender research.

Three year plans

In the period 2014-16 the Research School is organised by the Centre for Gender Research, University of Oslo. In accordance with the plans for the Research School, the Academic Director of the school will ensure the arrangement of  a general course in analytic strategies and gender theory every other year, as well as a PhD assembly once a year. In addition, the Academic Director coordinates information about courses with the other member institutions. The courses may be arranged collaboratively, for instance with other Nordic Research Schools.

In 2011-13 the Research School was organised by The Norwegian University of Technology and Science." 

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