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Content related with this taxonomy term:

Displaying 1 - 20 of 666
Created by Post date Title
BEO's picture BEO 2024-Jan-22 Equal care - How the European Union promotes gender-equal divison of care work
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE factsheet: Addressing Poverty and Social Exclusion: A Feminist Perspective
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE factsheet: More Intersectional Data
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE factsheet: Crisis as a Continuum: Learning from an Inclusive Feminist Crisis Res...
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE Factsheet: Striving for Social Justice: Vulnerable Groups in the Recovery Polici...
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE Factsheet: The Missing Perspectives of Women in the National Recovery and Resili...
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE Factsheet: Gender-Based Violence during Crises: Risk Assessment, Prevention and...
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE Factsheet: Crisis Management for All: Inclusive, Multi-Actor Crisis Management
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE Factsheet: Telework as a Double-edged Sword: Risks and Opportunities
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE Factsheet: Improving national responses to gender-based violence: Lessons from t...
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE Factsheet: Reinforcing EU level action to combat Gender-Based Violence
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE Factsheet: Care and Crisis: Fostering a Paradigm Shift
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE Factsheet: Gender Equality In The Healthcare Sector
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE Factsheet: Women Representation, Diversity And Inclusion In Decision-Making
ESF 2024-Jan-16 RESISTIRE Factsheet: Pandemic and Gender Mainstreaming
Maruxa's picture Maruxa 2023-Feb-01 Guidelines: How to set up a Gender Equality Committee
joerg's picture joerg 2022-Dec-02 Guide to Promoting Gender Equality for Research & Innovation Funding Organisations: Da...
joerg's picture joerg 2022-Dec-02 Advancing the sex and gender dimension in the research and innovation funding process
MarinaRad 2022-Sep-05 RESET Joint statement on our engagement for equality, diversity and excellence in research