education policy

Content related with this taxonomy term:

Displaying 1 - 18 of 18
Created by Post date Title
Magaly Thill's picture Magaly Thill 2017-Nov-17 Multisectoral Academic Training Guide on Female Genital Mutilation / Cutting
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Apr-14 Women’s Leadership in Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics: Barriers to Part...
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Apr-02 Gender and physics
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Mar-29 Improving Gender Balance. Reflections on the impact of interventions in schools
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Mar-23 Gender in Academia in Finland: Tensions between Policies and Gendering Processes in Physic...
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Mar-14 Gender balance in research: new analytical report reveals uneven progress
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Mar-14 A picture of the UK scientific workforce
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2017-Mar-13 Science and Technology Committee - Sixth Report Women in scientific careers
Henrietta Dale's picture Henrietta Dale 2017-Jan-03 Single-sex schools: Could they harm your child?
Henrietta Dale's picture Henrietta Dale 2016-May-11 THE SCHOOL - TO - WORK TRANSITION: AN OVERVIEW OF TWO RECENT STUDIES
arroyo_lidia's picture arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-10 Fitting into the stereotype: How gender-stereotyped perceptions of prototypic peers relate...
arroyo_lidia's picture arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-10 Cross‐National Gender Gaps in Educational Expectations: The Influence of National‐Level Ge...
arroyo_lidia's picture arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-10 Exploring Cross-National Differences in Gender Gaps in Education
arroyo_lidia's picture arroyo_lidia 2015-Dec-10 Mathematics and science choice following introduction of compulsory study profiles into Du...
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2014-Feb-28 The Closing of the Gender Gap in Education: Does it Foretell the Closing of the Employment...
Elizabeth Pollitzer's picture Elizabeth Pollitzer 2014-Feb-18 Education at a glance 2013: OECD indicators