Kinship, cultural dimensions of classification and cognition, identity, gender

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Users related with the taxonomy term AREA OF GENDER EXPERTISE

Displaying 10 firsts users sorted by User Points
Name Scientific discipline Country Area of Gender Expertise Stakeholder group
agodfroy's picture agodfroy Natural sciences, Engineering and technology France Gender, Gender history Science stakeholders, Policy stakeholders
IEGUC3M's picture IEGUC3M Interdisciplinary Spain Gender, Gender history Science stakeholders, Teachers, educators, learners
Marta Warat Social sciences, Sociology Poland Gender in biodiversity conservation, Gender in social sciences Science stakeholders, Scientists & Researcher
Francesca Crivellaro's picture Francesca Crivellaro Social sciences, Other social sciences Italy Gender, Gender in education Gender equality stakeholders, Gender networks (women’s, men's, sexuality,...)
Sonia Saborit's picture Sonia Saborit Humanities, Philosophy, ethics and religion Spain Gender, Gender in arts Gender equality stakeholders, Gender networks (women’s, men's, sexuality,...)
Ulla Weber's picture Ulla Weber Social sciences Germany Gender in education, Gender in engineering and technology Gender equality stakeholders
evacifre's picture evacifre Social sciences, Psychology Spain Gender, Gender in education Science stakeholders, Teachers, educators, learners
AnkeK Europe Gender history, Gender in aeronautics
RubinDS-CP Social sciences, Other social sciences USA United States of America Gender, Gender history Science stakeholders, Scientists & Researcher
Polona Pecnik's picture Polona Pecnik Social sciences, Humanities Slovenia Gender in education, Gender in social sciences Gender equality stakeholders