Women in Mathematics in Finland
organised by European Women in Mathematics and supported by Department of Mathematics and Statistics of University of Helsinki.
The seminar will take place on Nov 9th at 4 pm in Exactum CK112. The Head of Department Mats Gyllenberg will open the event.
Our guest speaker will be Senior University Lecturer and Docent Kirsi Peltonen, from Aalto University.
[read Kirsi's interview on Kumpula Women website]
Geometry meets Dynamics - Kirsi Peltonen
I will discuss about an exciting generalization of planar rational functions to higher dimensional spaces with different types of geometries. I will present ideas of some basic constructions and open questions in the field to reveal the flavor of this research that belongs to geometric analysis. This talk is for a general audience without any deep prerequisites. Some ideas from basic complex analysis are helpful.
The talk is aimed to a general audience and will be in English language. Everybody is warmly welcome!
For more information:
Paola Elefante, EWM coordinator for Finland, paola.elefante@helsinki.fi