Workshop: Developing European Benchmarks for Gender-sensitive Working Conditions

How to Measure “Good” Work Conditions in Research and Innovation?

On April 14, 2021, the CeRRI at Fraunhofer IAO will host a two-part webinar to discuss with European experts the perspectives for developing Europe-wide benchmarks for good and gender-sensitive work conditions in research. The webinar is open to all participants of the 21st Europ. Gender Summit.


Description of the event (english translation): 

How to Measure “Good” Work Conditions in Research and Innovation?

On April 14, 2021, the CeRRI at Fraunhofer IAO will host a two-part webinar to discuss with European experts the perspectives for developing Europe-wide benchmarks for good and gender-sensitive work conditions in research. The webinar is open to all participants of the 21st Europ. Gender Summit.


Wednesday, April 14, 2021 - 14:15 to 17:45
Gender Summit Webinar
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