Preparing for the e-discussion - expert profiles and links

In preparation to the discussion, please take a look at these links to reports and other resources our experts worked on.


Profiles of experts on sexual harassment in research organizations and higher education:


Dr Fredrik Bondestam & Maja Lundqvist work at the Swedish Secretariate for Gender Research and have prepared a literature review on sexual harassment in academia in 2018 for the Swedish Research Council which has recently been published in article form. In addition, they recently produced a report on preventive measures for the Swedish council for higher education.


Dr Marijke Naezer is an independent expert, who collected case studies and prepared the 2019 report from the Dutch Network of Women Professors (LNVH) on harassment in academia. This report received a lot of media attention and led to the roll out of a series of interventions (including a play and active bystander training) in Dutch academia.


Susuana Amoah was the 2014 Women's Officer for the UK National Student Union and developed a workshop format on maturity levels in organizational response to sexual harassment in higher education for the 1752 group. She is critical of the UK Athena SWAN gender equality charter's lack of attention for sexual harassment matters, an issue that also has been raised elswhere.

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Active Threads:


4 years 3 months ago
Posted by: c.j.vinkenburg
Welcome everyone to this e-discussion on Addressing Sexual Harassment in Research Organizations. We will discuss the occurrence of, response to and prevention of sexual harassment in research performing and research funding organizations, and the higher education sector more broadly.My name is Claartje Vinkenburg, I am an in-house consultant with Portia ltd, and in the ACT project I am leading...
Comments: 93


4 years 3 months ago
Posted by: c.j.vinkenburg
In preparation to the discussion, please take a look at these links to reports and other resources our experts worked on. Profiles of experts on sexual harassment in research organizations and higher education: Dr Fredrik Bondestam & Maja Lundqvist work at the Swedish Secretariate for Gender Research and have prepared a literature review on sexual harassment in academia in 2018 for...
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