Launched in 1994, Gender, Work and Organization was the first journal to provide an arena dedicated to debate and analysis of gender relations, the organisation of gender and the gendering of organisations. The Gender, Work and Organization conference provides an international forum for debate and analysis of contemporary debates affecting gender studies. The 2016 conference at Keele University attracted in excess 400 international scholars from over 30 nations.
Details on papers and streams
The conference is organised primarily as a series of streams. Expressions of interest for the role of stream convenors at the conference/ proposals for stream topics are invited. Authors whose abstract is accepted but does not fit into one of the agreed streams will be able to present their work in a separate open stream. GWO2018 is an international conference and priority in selecting streams for inclusion will be given to multinational stream leader teams of established scholars. Subject to full peer review, stream papers often make up a special issue of the journal and these are given priority in the publication queue.
Stream convenors are responsible for:
drafting a call for papers for their stream
generating publicity for their call by using their own as well as the GWO networks
refereeing and then selecting papers for inclusion within their stream
attending GWO2018 and co-ordinating the stream during the conference itself
editing a special issue of the journal if such is agreed by the editorial team
Please email your stream proposal and call for papers (no more than 1,500 words length total, as MS Word attachment - NOT PDF) to: by June 1st 2017. Informal enquiries regarding streams, including guidance notes for prospective stream convenors, or enquiries regarding the conference organisation can be made to the organisers Alison Pullen on and Anne Ross-Smith For all other enquiries please contact the conference at FBE-GWO@MQ.EDU.AU
Stream proposals/call for papers (1,500 words max. total) submitted to by 1st June, 2017.
Decision on acceptance of stream proposal on or before 1st July, 2017.
Stream convenors circulate their stream call for abstracts. Deadline for submission of abstracts to stream convenor, 1st November, 2017.
Stream convenor decision on acceptance of abstract communicated to author by 1st December, 2017.