GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

academic careers

Author Post date Title
2022-Feb-8 EU Sister Project Campaign 2022
Sergi Yanes
2021-May-25 The Impact of COVID-19 on the Careers of Women in Academic Sciences, Engineering, and Medicine
2021-Feb-17 Picture a Scientists
2021-Feb-11 Reimagining academic assessment: stories of innovation and change
2020-Dec-17 “I am Not a Feminist, but. . .”: Hegemony of a Meritocratic Ideology and the Limits of Critique Among Women in Engineering
2020-Dec-17 The Tyranny of Merit: What's Become of the Common Good?
Sergi Yanes
2020-Sep-29 Implicit Bias in Academia: A Challenge to the Meritocratic Principle and to Women’s Careers - And What to Do about It
2020-Jul-16 A Global Approach to the Gender Gap in Mathematical, Computing, and Natural Sciences: How to Measure It, How to Reduce It?
clestrie 2020-Mar-9 Call for Papers: Diversity and Work Atmosphere in Research Organisations
Kim Eggleton
2019-Oct-14 Diversity and Inclusion in Peer Review at IOP Publishing
caricaro 2018-Oct-8 Gender Diversity - Implications for Gender & Science Policy
Jovana MT
2018-Aug-16 Znanost (brez) mladih. Zgodnje stopnje znanstvene kariere skozi perspektivo spola
Author Post date Title
Sergi Yanes
2021-Mar-22 SAGE19: Scientific and Academic Gender (in) equality during Covid19
florian holzinger
2019-Jul-22 GRANteD Project
Jovana MT
2018-Aug-16 Women – Change Agents in Education and Science (Serbia)
Author Post date Title
2020-Feb-26 Gender Roles and their Impact in Academia (EMBO | EMBL | HHMI Conference)
florian holzinger
2019-Jul-22 GRANteD Stakeholder Conference
Andrea Bossmann 2018-Oct-22 I, Scientist 2019 - The conference on gender, career paths and networking
Author Post date Title
Rachel Palmén 2020-Feb-26 E-discussion: Gender equality in decision-making in R&I and HE
c.j.vinkenburg 2020-Feb-7 E-discussion: Addressing Sexual Harassment in Research Organizations