G-NET Summit 2017 is the final conference of G-NET project, a network of European and Latin American universities that develop teaching on European Integration and Gender. It addresses the gender equality principle and the gender policies as cross-cutting concepts in the integration processes, either the European integration process or the processes that take place in Latin America.
The aim of the Summit
The conference aims to discuss the need of including gender equality policies in the economic development processes that take place in several countries in order to lay the foundations for the political and economic development as they must be gender inclusive.
Thus, the Summit has a programme with matters that cover the political and the academic field. Gender experts will bring their knowledge on the gender mainstreaming in the public policymaking and the Higher Education Institutions Structure.
Furthermore, the results and outputs of the Network will be presented.
Description of the event (english translation)
Tecnológico de Costa Rica, Campus Cartago
Scientific discipline
Type of event
Gender and Science taxonomy
Abstract submission