GenPORT is funded by the European Union FP7-SCIENCE-IN-SOCIETY-2012-1 programme.

Coordination of resources and efforts

Refers also to lack of continuity of research; lack of systematic longitudinal studies. Deregulation and subsidiarity seems too specific.

Author Post date Title
arroyo_lidia 2016-Jul-18 Integrating the gender dimension into research content for research funding organisations: How to consolidate? - GenPORT Policy Brief 14
arroyo_lidia 2016-Jul-18 Integrating the gender dimension into research content for research funding organisations: Where to start? - GenPORT Policy Brief 13
arroyo_lidia 2016-Jul-18 Integrating the gender dimension into research content for research performing organisations: How to innovate? - GenPORT Policy Brief 12
arroyo_lidia 2016-Jul-18 Integrating the gender dimension into research content for research performing organisations: Where to start? - GenPORT Policy Brief 9
arroyo_lidia 2016-Jul-15 Implementing gender equality plans in research performing organisations: Where to start? - GenPORT Policy Brief 5
arroyo_lidia 2016-Jul-8 Las mujeres en los premios científicos en España 2009-2014
2016-Jun-24 SWOPS Good Practices
2015-Nov-18 Guide Pratique pour une communication publique sans stéréotype de sexe
Laura Getz 2015-Aug-25 Evaluation of the Beijing Platform for Action +20
2015-Jul-2 Mathias Wullum Nielsen: New and persistent gender equality challenges in academia
Henrietta Dale 2015-May-12 Gender Equality in the European Social Fund 2007-2013
2015-May-11 Gender equality law in 33 European countries How are EU rules transposed into national law in 2014
2015-May-11 European gender equality law review
Author Post date Title
Henrietta Dale 2016-Jul-5 Gender Dimension in Research Content and Process - the Research Funding Organisations perspectives
2016-Jun-15 GOWISS Forschungsworkshop: Veränderte Governance und Geschlechterarrangements in der Wissenschaft
Laura Getz 2015-Nov-17 Zweite Connect-Fachtagung „Zusammenarbeiten! Für eine Familienfreundlichere Wissenschaft“ / Connect Project Conference
Laura Getz 2015-Sep-17 Gender Studies in Debate: Pathways, challenges and interdisciplinary perspectives
Laura Getz 2015-Sep-1 Ready for Dialogue Fachveranstaltung zur Geschlechterdimension in Wissenschaft und Forschung
Author Post date Title
2016-Jun-21 SWOPS: Human Resources Strategy Oriented Towards Structural Changes in the European Union
Author Post date Title
Laura Getz 2015-Sep-1 Agentur für Querschnittsziele im ESF