The Gender Summit is a platform for evidence-based and consensus-led dialogue between scientists, policy makers, gender scholars, and key stakeholder groups in science endeavours. The 2016 Gender SummitEurope coincides with important policy developments in Europe and globally that look towards science knowledge and technological innovation to create a better future for all. Significant here are: the new EU Gender Action Plan and Horizon 2020; the UN Sustainable Development Goals; the African Union’s Africa 2063 and Continental Strategy for Education in Africa agenda; and the OECD vision for Inclusive Innovation. It is, therefore, right that this year’s Gender Summit should also open up dialogue on how understanding of sex/gender issues in research and innovation can also ensure sustainable and effective development.
- New research on when, why and how sex-gender issues impact on quality of research, innovation, and development outputs and outcomes
- How gender continues to be addressed in Horizon 2020
- How to mainstream gender into the EU new vision for ERA of Open Innovation, Open Science, Open to the World
- How the global policy agendas to make the world a better place for all can benefit from incorporating scientific understanding of sex-gender issues
- New efforts to develop reliable, and region and sector sensitive, performance metrics and gender equality indicators and statistics, and to integrate them into research, innovation, and development policy actions
- The contributions made by the Gender Summit platform, and its global community of experts and practitioners, to advance gender-sensitive and responsive research, innovation, and development.
The Gender Summits create synergies between actors, agendas, and actions. As in the past events, GS9 will engage scientists, policy makers, gender scholars, and diverse stakeholder groups in examining new research evidence and establishing consensus where improvements are needed and what actions can achieve them.
GS9 programme will combine plenary and break out sessions, knowledge-exchange sessions, networking breaks, poster exhibition, sponsors’ exhibition stands, as well as linking participants through social networks. Participation will be be 400 attendees representing academia, policy, media, industry and organisations working in areas related to science. Many will come from Europe but in the past international coverage was between 40-45 countries.
Outline Programme
- Advancing scientific understanding of how sex and gender influence research content, process and impact
- Sustainability and gender-related efficacy of technological innovation
- Understanding impact of environmental hazards on women and men
- Sexual dimorphism as driver of sustainable natural ecosystems
- Cross cutting benefits of integrating gender into research, innovation, and development
- Integrating sex-gender knowledge into science curriculum and researcher training
- Connecting inclusive innovation with social responsibility of science