Inclusive Security’s bold goal is to change the international security paradigm. Sustainable peace is possible only when those who shape policy include women and other affected groups in the prevention and transformation of violent conflict.
Guided by this belief and vision, Inclusive Security’s mission is to increase the participation of all stakeholders—particularly women—in preventing, resolving, and rebuilding after deadly conflicts. We do this by:
- Strengthening the will and capacity of those who shape peace and security policy
- Providing research on why inclusion matters and guidance on how it can be achieved
- Equipping women to contribute effectively to peace processes
- Building coalitions of diverse leaders who offer practical solutions to intractable conflicts
We envision a secure world in which policymakers turn not only to men, but also to women and civil society groups to prevent violent conflict and ensure just and lasting peace.
Recognizing we can’t change the centuries-old security paradigm on our own, we have developed a wide range of partnerships to broaden the nascent field of “women, peace, and security.” As this field evolves and conflicts change, we remain goal-driven but opportunistic. We respond to challenges as they arise, constantly pushing the boundaries of our work and creating proven practices for all to use.
Inclusive Security is forward-looking. We offer innovative ways to create lasting peace, rather than focusing on humanitarian relief. The change we seek appears unattainable to some, but we know—based on our experience—that we can achieve break-through transformation.